Spring Cleaning Leads to Unforgettable Memories
By Susan Hunt-Bradford
I’ve been spring cleaning and decluttering for the last few weeks. I’ve lived in my current house for 21 years, and I have accumulated a lot of items. Many are lovely items that I’ve never used but thought I needed to purchase. Some are well-worn items that have seen better days, but for a new owner, it could be just what they need. I’ve also been to Earthbound Recycling in Eureka several times, mainly to have them recycle computers and TVs. Soon, I’ll be taking them some old paint cans.
Decluttering takes time. It takes a lot of work to go through everything and decide what to keep, sell, and donate. I know what Marie Kondo would say, “Keep what brings you joy”….well, Marie, I’d be keeping everything if that was the case. Instead, I’m donating items that might bring joy to other people. At least I started like that. Now, I’m so tired of decluttering that I’ve been giving away anything that’s not nailed down—almost everything.
I started by taking pictures of items and posting them on my subdivision’s Facebook page to see if anyone wanted free items, and I did have a few takers. Then I decided to try selling many of the new expensive items on Facebook Marketplace, and that has been an experience. I’ll leave it there.
Donating to Home Sweet Home or Salvation Army is a good thing for bigger items. I’ve been moving along nicely with decluttering until I come to old photos, many of which are photos of my parents and grandparents, who are long gone. The photos bring me so much joy that I must keep all of them. But it still takes a long time to go through and relive happy and secure times. Looking at photos of my parents, sister and her family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends, special events, and beautiful vacations, I know I’ve been lucky to have been so blessed.
What stood out to me in many of the old photos was how funny my dad was. He always had a funny expression or was wearing a funny hat. He died 22 years ago, and I do miss him, but the photos help a lot, which brings me to Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to my dad in heaven and my uncles with him.
So, Bill Hunt, I salute you and all the other great dads, those who have passed and those still with us, who are doing a great job right here, right now. Thank you.