By Deb Powell,
Healthy Planet Columnist
So you survived the winter, again. Way to go! If you’ve been following my articles, starting in the September 2022 issue, you should be getting some areas of your life organized. The heaviness of the cold, the excitement and exhaustion from the holiday season, and the lack of sunshine, are all over now, it’s time to ‘lighten up’! Here are some tips!
We’ll start with opening up the curtains more now that we don’t have to keep the cold out. We can even change them to something lighter for the next three seasons. Light bright materials let the sunshine in and the colors lift our spirits. It’s a win win!
Speaking of light, changing the lighting creates different moods. Try soft lighting in bedrooms for mood, colourful lights in the playroom for fun, medium lights or dimmers in the living room for relaxing, and bright lights in the kitchen because we do lots of things there, like playing with hot and sharp objects.
Heavy materials
While you’re packing away the curtains, add the heavy blankets and comforters, coats, sweaters, scarves, mitts, hats and boots. Trade them for lighter ones, plus rain wear, umbrellas, summer shoes, purses, hats…
As you pack away the winter clothes, switch them for the spring, summer, and fall wardrobes. There should be lots of room now in closets and drawers as these are much smaller than winter clothes. Lighter materials and brighter colors help lift our spirits, so we should be ready to take on the next 3 seasons. Most of us have our favourite outfits, and wear them regularly, so a limited number is usually sufficient. Organizing clothes by items or color is one way to know what you have, but if all your clothes are coordinated color schemes, it’s easy, as everything will match. Have mats or trays and shelving for shoes near the main entrance if possible, that way they aren’t tracking dirt throughout the house, and you’ll know where they are when you need them.
Sports equipment
You’ll soon be wrapping up the skiing, skating, sledding etc., so all these items need a home for the next 9 months. Storing them out of the way is key to staying organized and tidy. Large bins or hanging them overhead keeps them out of everyday life. You may even be able to switch them with outdoor furniture, summer sports items, and /or play things for the kids.
Spring is the perfect time to refresh the rooms by rearranging as it gives us a whole new perspective. Moving things as little as pictures or small tables and lamps to full size sofas, beds, tables, etc., creates new life in our homes. It’s also time to set some of those plants outside during the nice days.
Some of you can’t wait to get your hands into that soil, so now’s the time to get those seeds started and/or plan your gardens and landscaping. Plant your favourite flowers, vegetables, and fruits, so when they’re ready to harvest you will reap the beauty and nourishment they so abundantly give us. This is also the time when we get outside more and that makes us want to eat better and lighter. Those first green onions, lettuce, and radishes will soon be on our dinner plates. Yum!
Make sure you’ve cleaned all the winter things before storing them. Now that you’ve got rid of the big stuff, it’s easier to clean the winter away. Wipe down door frames, heavy traffic areas on walls, and clean the floors as you’re moving things around. It’s also a good time to shampoo soft furniture, mattresses, and carpets. The nicest time to do this is on a sunny day if possible, so you can open the windows and let fresh air in. Spring is a time of new life, so breathe deeply and clear out the stale air of the winter and you will feel refreshed too.
Now that we’ve lightened up inside our homes, join us in April’s issue for organizing for the outdoors.
For organizing questions and feedback only, email me at debmag04@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you ☺