
Publisher’s Corner

So much to Love about February

Photo: Happy 15th birthday Jazzy

Thank goodness this year is a leap year because we need an extra day in February with so much going on. So many events and special occasions make February a truly exceptional month. Just a few examples of fun February:

Feb 3-13 Mardis Gras. St. Louis has the 2nd largest Mardis Gras Celebration in the nation.

Feb 9 Power of Gratitude at Powder Valley in the online Healthy Planet edition.

Feb 10 Eagle Days in West Alton in the online Healthy Planet Edition.

Feb 11 Superbowl Sunday.

Feb 14 Valentine’s Day. Check out two fun recipes in the online Healthy Planet edition.

Feb 15 My Jazzy’s 15th birthday. She’s a snorkie (schnauzer/yorkie) and she has the energy of a puppy.

Feb 24 Women’s Health Expo in Carbondale in the online Healthy Planet edition.

Other significant events are in the ARTful Living column in the online Healthy Planet edition.

February is also Black History Month to celebrate African Americans’ accomplishments and recognize their role in U.S. history. Check out blackhistorymonth.gov for more great information.

It’s also Heart Health Month. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. 1 in 3 women develop heart disease annually. For more information on keeping your heart healthy, go to heart.org

Every month, not just in February, we should celebrate our loved ones (including pets), healthy hearts, and black history. These are all essential aspects of life for all people. As I see it, we need to care for ourselves and each other. Heart disease can strike all ages, as we’ve heard in the news lately. Even celebrities aren’t immune to it. Black history is American History and should be acknowledged and celebrated all year long.

Despite the often-crazy weather, we all have a lot to celebrate. February is shaping up to be a stellar month.