By Deb Powell
Who doesn’t know that Christmas is,
The best time of the year.
There’s lots of stuff, and healthy food,
And most of all, good cheer!
The parents have the best time tho,
They get to do so much.
They have to be both Mom and Dad,
Then be Santa Clause as such.
Especially Mom who does the most,
It’s like she is, ‘Head Elf’.
She cooks and bakes, and shops and wraps,
With time left for herself.
But Dad helps too, he blows the snow,
The Grinch! He watches twice.
While drinking all the kid’s eggnog,
With rum, and lots of ice.
At Christmas kids behave the best,
They do no fight, or snoop.
They’re little angels all the time,
Not bad, or nyncompoops.
This is the time we like to go,
In debt, and that’s no bull.
Merry Christmas! Next November,
We’ll have it paid in full!
So if Christmas is for getting stuff,
Being nice, and eating junk,
Gaining weight, and getting tight,
And playing games – Kerplunk!
Then what the heck is all the talk,
bout a manger, and a star,
Three wise guys and a donkey,
Traveling very, very far?
There’s talk about a baby – who’s a King?
What do they mean?
Is there really another purpose,
That we forgot, or haven’t seen?
Wait!!! Now that I think about it,
This wouldn’t happen to be,
The CHRIST, that is in CHRIST-MAS?
Naaaah, it surely couldn’t be.
I must be just mistaken,
‘Cause we know what Christmas is for,
Watching reindeer fly, and stuffing socks,
And Santa, bringing more!