
Publisher’s Corner: Reflections of a Year Well Lived

Susan Hunt-Bradford

I don’t have many traditions, but one I do have is every December 31 before midnight, I reflect upon the year since January 1. I’m happy that my reflections are always more positive than negative, with an overabundance of unforgettable memories and uplifting moments. I’m never sad or upset by the moments that didn’t go as planned because it all works out in the end.

2023 has been a year of adventure and learning new things that I never thought this old brain would learn. Living and working in Utah for the past six months has been fun and rewarding. It also had challenges, but overall, it was an incredible time. Meeting new people, reconnecting with family, teaching new students, working in vehicle financing, and maneuvering around the traffic in Salt Lake City has been interesting, to say the least. My newfound knowledge has been incredible, and I’m ready to put it to good use back home.

Although I’ll miss Utah, I’m prepared to be back in St. Louis to hang out with my son, dogs, and my friends. I’m lucky to have friends and family who are always supportive and loving. My son makes me laugh as no other person can, and my two dogs are the epitome of dogs being too good for humans. I love Jazzy and Kiba way, way down to my soul.

I worked on The Healthy Planet from Utah and picked up some new readers around Salt Lake City. Our Healthy Planet STL writers kept me in tune with what had been happening in St. Louis while I was gone, and the city did just fine without me. I look forward to getting back into the St. Louis groove, networking, and attending events. 

December 31 is my time to reflect on 2023, celebrate wins, and learn from missteps. Every challenge allows us to grow and learn more about ourselves. I’m excited about the new year. I say that every December, and I’m never disappointed. I want to continue to grow The Healthy Planet Magazine, and I will include a new column on healthy finances. I think we all need some good advice about our financial health. I guarantee I will continue to learn new things through the upcoming year, and when December 31, 2024, rolls around, my tradition of reflection will continue.

Happiest of Holidays,

Susan Hunt-Bradford