
PEACE — A Poem

Dr Gail Cloud

By Dr. Gail Cloud

I was recently so touched

It hit me deeply

And I was struck by how freely

His death was felt by so many

A celebrity who somehow was able to connect

From this he had such a great effect

From his outer personality and dancing

His primary way of talking and self enhancing

And yet inside, hidden deeply

Was a force silently creeping

And this silent river stole his soul

Hidden from view, it was not anyone’s purview

That he felt he had no other choice

And he took away his voice

From us all

That he felt so alone

No one knowing from what he atones

Breaks my heart

The line, “til death do us part” stays with me

Who is to say how long his time on earth was to stay

May you find peace

And to all of us, may we all find peace, and yes, with us, there is a chance for us all to find peace on earth.

Contact me for a session in body work, inherited family trauma work or astrology at: gail@bodypresencing.com., 314-995-9755 and see my on my website, www.bodypresencing.com.