By Simon Yu MD
I met Dr. Arman Lurye at the International Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) conference in Mexico City in February 2023. Dr. Lurye gave a talk on rejuvenation of the brain. Some of the cases he presented were compelling, leading me to investigate his RB-Therapy®. After the lecture, he said he could not explain what he does in detail in a one-hour lecture, but his was patented in Russia, and in the U.S. for treatment of encephalopathy. He invited me to come to his clinic and experience it firsthand.
I signed up, along with my wife.
RB-Therapy® is an innovative method of treating the brain in cases of ischemia and encephalopathy – a decrease in blood flow or oxygen to the brain – quickly, effectively and safely. It focuses on improving: 1) vascular function, 2) metabolic function, and 3) nootropic-enhancing memory and cognitive function. It uses oral, intramuscular, and IV infusion of many different combinations of medications. It cannot bring back dead neurons in the brain, but it can help restore dormant, inactive neurons from previous injuries from stroke, traumatic brain injury, and/or environmental toxins. It can also help post-stroke patients, those with dementia, traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-chemo brain fog, Parkinson’s disease, and those with anxiety, irritability, reduced libido, sense of emptiness, and lack of joy and happiness.
Dr. Lurye starts with what he calls a 3D scan to establish baseline brain function done by a psychologist for a composite of memory, psych-emotional and cognitive functional assessment of the brain. This is not a CT or MRI scan. And then, follow up tests to see the changes. RB-Therapy® is designed to benefit you whether you are a successful professional at the peak of your career who wants to maintain that level, an athlete to achieve peak performance, or you have a brain injury or disorder such as depression, chronic fatigue, psycho-emotional burnout, memory problems, strokes, or dementia.
Of the about 20 of his patients I evaluated during my visit, one showed 15 out of 40 meridians out of balance (higher risk for developing cancer) on my initial evaluation. We decided to study how RB-Therapy® would influence the meridians. For that patient, after three sessions in one week, only 6 out of 40 meridians were out of balance. It improved the majority of his meridians but did not correct parasite-gut-related problems that were disturbing his immune system.
According to Dr. Lurye, some patients respond very quickly in a few days, and some patients notice gradual changes in a few weeks. Some patients respond dramatically, and some respond with gradual, subtle improvements. I will update you on my progress and observations. Two weeks after the therapy, Kate, my wife noted more energy, less pain overall and better mood. Combining RB-Therapy® with my focus on hidden dental and parasite infection can be a powerful synergistic therapy for health of the body, brain and mind. You may investigate his therapy at Perhaps you may optimize, preserve or reactivate brain neurons from previous events before there is a physical-emotional manifestation; you may consider this combination therapy a true prevention and healing for your life.
Dr. Simon Yu, MD is a Board-Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Integrative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s latest book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion on Integrative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early.
Simon Yu, MD
Prevention and Healing, Inc.
10908 Schuetz Road, St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone: 314-432-7802
Weaving Internal Medicine with Integrative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer