By Jennifer Scalia
I recently moved back to the St. Louis area after being away for almost 9 years. I had moved to Southern California and later New Mexico. I chose to live nomadically at times and at others, the nomadic living came to me. My dog Bella was with me throughout these experiences and in 2019, at 17, she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. That was the most impactful feeling of loss I had ever felt as she and I were like a very in-tune violin and when off tune, we adjusted with little resistance. She felt like home.
Three years prior to moving back to St. Louis, I had been living in an adobe in an area south of Santa Fe. I lived in a quaint and quiet Mexican village. I was in a phase of deep introspection as many of us were, going inward in 2020. My world was shook many times over that next year, with unhealed energetic wounds all the way back from in the womb that I was unaware of. As I rebuilt myself on every level, I knew I would be leaving New Mexico to move back to what I consider home.
The change of this latest move, felt more disruptive emotionally than I had expected but not for the reasons I would have guessed and not having Bella with me on this particular move proved to add to the difficulties.
I scheduled a session with one of my remote energy workers as although this is my work too, I am always working to improve my energy bodies and my core. (Energy work is using the science of energy. It releases us from energies that are not our own so that we can feel our own Truth and follow it without interference).
The session I had was profound and inevitable as I had outgrown energies from the past, as well as started to see more clearly regarding my history and choices rather than what had been overlaid by others’ projections. It was time to reach a deeper connection with myself in order to expand further and become healthier, happier and fully genuine.
I was assisted in clearing energetic contracts, cords, and lower frequencies as well as emotional disharmony that I had been carrying for so long.
After this work, which allowed a new fresh slate, I more fully realized that I am my true home.