By Deb Powell,
Healthy Planet Columnist
Hi again! Deb here from the magazine’s Organized for Life articles.
This is the first article in a new monthly column. I love to use my gift of encouragement to inspire others to live their best life, be happy, and use their creativeness to fulfill their dreams and desires. My strong faith, experiences, and passion for writing and helping people, is the motivation that keeps me going. I love teaching how we can learn from everyday simple things, issues, and challenges.
The message in this article is about one of the biggest breakthroughs I’ve ever experienced. As we journey together, I will encourage and inspire you, show you your self-worth, and help you understand you’re not alone.
So, can we really have PEACE? We sure can!!!
I had been really frustrated for years. Sometimes to the point of wishing I could just stop the world and get off. Ever felt like this?
I just wanted some peace! I had searched for peace, I tried to be peaceful, I even asked a counsellor how I could get peace, and was told “there is no such thing!” Hmmmmm… Now I knew I had to find it, because somehow I knew it existed. I’d heard about it. I wanted it. I needed it.
I searched some more and learned many people see ‘God’ in different ways. I believe there is a higher power.
Then, a few years later I was introduced to the experience of being born again, as a Christian. I had always believed in God and Jesus, even though I didn’t understand them, so I easily accepted Jesus as my savior, and I dedicated my life to God.
But… I still didn’t have peace.
I read many verses in the bible that talked about peace and some said it’s given to us. Again, I knew it had to be a real thing. The bible says in John 14:27: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Oh, I needed that!
So, I asked for it!
And wow!!! I got it! I had the most peaceful feeling come over me, it was almost eerie. But I’d found it! It WAS real!
Since that day, now 30 years later, I still no longer worry about things, and even in the middle of chaos, I have a peace that keeps me calm, focused, and unafraid. Peace is real, but I believe we can’t have it without a higher power.
All religions have the same message. They all promote love and peace. Peace with the creator, the world, ourselves, and each other. What a world it would be if we could all find peace.
I love driving out in the country and taking photos. I often see lakes or sunsets that look peaceful. Nature is so majestically beautiful and it knows what peace looks like.
You want peace, just ask. It’s real.
For questions and feedback email me at debmag04@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you ☺ PEACE!