When I think of summer, the song by the Lovin Spoonful comes to mind. I have a love/hate relationship with summer. The hate part is due to the heat and humidity in St. Louis. However, I must admit some of my fondest memories have occurred this time of year. Having been a teacher for 30 years, a 3-month summer break, and being home with my son during his break was something I did not take for granted.
Summer vacations traveling to new places or old places to see family. Listening to the ice cream truck as it slowly comes up the street. Meeting up with neighbors at the subdivision pool. Hiking before it gets too hot at one of the many beautiful trails in Missouri. Walking my dogs in the morning before a summer storm begins. Fun times make fun memories. The best summer memories didn’t involve a lot of money. They involved fun and laughter and sometimes a lot of sweating but still a lot of fun. And usually ice cream.
If you want to travel this summer but vacation prices for hotels, food, and gas are getting you down…opt for a staycation. We have a great article about a wonderful family, The O’Laughlin’s, who recently had a staycation. You can still make memories, have fun, and feel like a tourist here in Missouri.
For us foodies, Healthy Planet Food Editor Natalie Toney gives great ideas for fresh, light summer food fare, whether for a picnic, a 4th of July party, or your staycation. And speaking of the 4th of July, it’s legal to shoot off fireworks in many counties in Missouri. Many dogs, cats, and other animals fear fireworks (and other loud noises). Here are some ideas to help your pets with anxiety during this time….If you are leaving for the evening and know fireworks will be nearby, ensure your pets are in a basement or interior room with music or a white sound machine that may block the noise. It’s a good idea to keep your dogs on a leash, even if running outside for a minute, as the noise can scare them, and they run off. Due to the fireworks, more pets go missing this time of year than at any other time. Make sure your pets are collared and have an ID tag and a chip. Chips are inexpensive and can easily be scanned.
Summer can be a fun time for all family members, including the furry ones, with some planning and plenty of frozen treats for people of all ages. The ice cream truck isn’t just for kids.
Susan Hunt-Bradford,
Healthy Planet Publisher