By Susan Hunt-Bradford,
Healthy Planet Publisher
Lisa Pitt, is a baker, and owner of Lisa Lou’s. I’ve tasted her desserts at a couple of expos and they are delicious, the best tasting cake I’ve ever had. Lisa is not only special because of her baking abilities but she is one of the most positive and upbeat people I’ve had the pleasure to meet.
SHB: What is your occupation?
LP: Currently, I am an entrepreneur, a giver, a server, and a God chaser. I sell the world’s tastiest desserts G.A.D.D.S (Gratifying Amazing Delicious Desserts), by Lisa Louis.
SHB: Do you have any volunteer activities that you do?
LP: My volunteer work includes transporting people to and from work, church, appointments, and grocery stores, as well as ushering For Peace Tabernacle Church and feeding the poor.
SHB: Do you have a personal philosophy?
LP: My main personal philosophy is to be motivated by Love, and it goes like this, Love lifted me, Love listed me, when nothing else could help Love lifted me. Lisa Lou’s exists because Of Love and our desire to give help to others. And it will lift you too. My other Personal and company philosophy is that we live to give. We put Love into every single dessert we make. I pray and ask The Lord to let the people feel the Love that is in each dessert.
SHB: That must be the difference in your desserts. They are delicious but there is something extra to them, and it must be the Love you put into them.
SHB: Why help others?
LP: It’s a natural instinct of mine. The Lord has helped me so I can help others. I get the most satisfaction out of helping people. It is just so rewarding. I feel the best when I’m helping someone. I am totally in my zone. It’s all about that person. It helps me, too; it reciprocates, and it comes back to us so quickly. We all need a little help sometimes. Helping is extremely important; no one can make it without help.
SHB: What’s your goal in the future?
LP: To grow my company and increase revenue so I can give and help more. I’m passionate about helping homeless people and that’s one of my ultimate goals. I’ve been homeless before, so I know what it’s like.
SHB: Who inspires you?
LP: I’m inspired most by God who is the perfect example of Love. I’m also inspired by my husband Glen because he has a heart to help people. Last but not least I’m inspired by Lisa Lou’s, the other version of me who gets up at 4am to make those Gratifying Amazing Delicious Desserts. Homeless people inspire me to keep moving forward and never give up.
SHB: What does a typical day for you look like?
LP: I normally get up at 4am, pray, and talk to God. Next, I meditate on God’s word and gratefulness. I do some volunteer work. I work on improving my company and finding ways to be a greater help. I work on my personal growth. I exercise, make the G.A.D.D. desserts, and procure happy, satisfied customers. I spend time with my husband when he gets home from work, and I find someone to help. One day I gave a homeless man one of my desserts, and he shook my hand. He said he had nothing to eat for two days. I go to bed by 8pm. The highlight of my day is when I can go out and give. It might be a few dollars or one of my desserts, but it’s a very important part of my typical day.
SHB: How long have you been inspiring others?
LP: I have been inspiring others for 25 years.
SHB: What have you learned in life about being a motivator?
LP: Motivating others plays a positive role in our mental health. I learned that being a motivator is essential, it is a lifesaver, and it reciprocates. For the people I have helped, I never thought it would help them as it did. The lady at the shelter said it literally saved her life. You don’t go out to motivate so it can come back to you, but you are inspired to motivate because of Love.
SHB: Is there an achievement you are most proud of?
LP: The achievements that I’m most proud of are: Accepting JESUS as my personal savior, giving birth to my children, every time I help someone and my creation, the world’s Tastiest Love filled G.A.D.D.S GRATIFYING AMAZING DELICIOUS DESSERTS!
Lisa Pitt is the owner and creator of Lisa Lou’s Desserts. She has a variety of cakes and other desserts that are unbelievably delicious. She is often at fairs and festivals handing out free samples of her famous desserts. Follow her on Facebook at Lisa Lou’s and her website is lisalous.wixsite.com/lisalous