The Teachers’ Recycle Center (SLTRC) is excited to announce a new opportunity for Earth Day 2023! This year, the contents of SLTRC’s VanGo will be raffled off and donated to the winner’s choice of school, day care, summer camp, art program, educational venue, etc. The van will be chockful of creative materials and reusable resources selected for a wide variety of applications well-suited to children, teachers, artists, and special projects.
The fully stocked VanGo will be at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival in Forest Park on Saturday and Sunday, April 22nd and 23rd.
Tickets can be purchased throughout the month of April and the drawing will take place May 1, 2023. Raffle tickets are priced at 1 for $5.00 or 3 for $10.00 and can be purchased online at www.sltrc.com or scan QR code. VanGo will deliver the items to the winning entity (up to a 3-mile radius). The material will become the property of the entity or project. All items are intended for free use and cannot be resold.
SLTRC is in Chesterfield Mall and is open to the public during operating hours and for scheduled appointments and events. The ReUse Center is loaded with an array of reusable resources that can be affordably purchased at $1.00 per pound. Materials come from many places, including factories and manufacturers with overstock, discontinued items, and overruns. Additional donations from the public include ribbons, beads, baskets, fabric, baubles, glass jars, buttons, and much more.
SLTRC is a nonprofit dedicated to keeping creative materials and reusable resources out of landfills and putting them in the hands of children, teachers, artists, and others for creative and intellectual development.
For more information visit www.sltrc.com or call 636-227-7095.