Amoriah Gray is a seven-year-old author. She started writing her book at age 6 and she’s just finished working on being in a music video for a song she co-wrote with her mom. She is a very inspirational child with a humble spirit. This is just the beginning of wonderful things that this sweet girl has in store for the future.
I sat down with Amoriah and her mom Angela to give me some insight into this amazing young lady.
SHB: What grade are you in?
AG: 2nd grade.
SHB: What do you like to do after school?
AG: Go to the playground and climb on the monkey bars and the swings.
SHB: What do you like to do on the weekends or in the summer when you’re not in school.
AG: Swim class. Also, gymnastics and dance.
SHB: Mom, what do you think is at the core of Amoriah’s personality.
MOM: To love everyone. She has a beautiful spirit.
SHB: Oh, that’s great. That is a wonderful trail to have.
SHB: Other than going to the playground what do you like to do when you’re not in school?
AG: I like to play Roadblocks on a tablet.
SHB: What would you like to be when you grow up.
AG: A mermaid.
MOM: What I see her doing, she is very good with helping. She has a lot of patience. I see her being a teacher or a social worker.
SHB: Who inspires you?
AG: Mom and Dad
SHB: Why do you like to help other people?
AG: To make people feel better.
SHB: Why did you want to write a book? (This was a big question, so Amoriah’s mom helped her answer).
AG: One day I came home from school and I asked my mom why I didn’t have straight hair like other girls at school.
MOM: I told Amoriah that her hair is beautiful too and that she doesn’t have to look like anyone else. She can be the best person she can be. And we ordered a lot of books on Amazon and Young Authors program at her school in East Alton, IL came up and I asked her would you like to write about your hair and she said yes. I asked her questions about her hair, and she decided she wanted to write a book about her hair.
SHB: do you think this book has helped other people?
AG: It makes girls feel better who have curly hair.
MOM: Now she loves her hair.
SHB: Do you go other places to promote your book or how do you get the word out about your book?
MOM: We went on a summer tour. We went to all the daycares in Alton. Boys and Girls Club in Alton, and to some schools. In the summer 2023 we’re going to do another tour mainly in St. Louis.
SHB: I bet all the girls and boys you talk to really love the book, don’t they?
AG: Yes!
SHB: Is there an accomplishment you are proud of?
AG: I’m proud of my music video.
MOM: We set up a YouTube Page. The music video will be her introduction on Youtube. Amoriah and I both wrote the song. The music video will be coming out on Amoriah’s birthday March 23, 2023.
To know more about Amoriah and her awesome book you can visit her website at www.amoriahlove.com