
Organized For Life: Save Time, Money and More!

By Deb Powell

Being organized is easier than you think! Yes, it takes effort, but it’s worth it.

Welcome to our new monthly column. It’s here to encourage, inspire, and guide you to get your life running smoothly. As a natural and professional organizer, my passion is helping others get their lives in order. You will learn to be efficient, utilize space, and love your life. It’s simple, and anyone can do it!

Life has enough stress without living in chaos, and being unorganized has detrimental effects on the whole world. It starts first with our mental health. Then, it affects our physical health. And if we can’t look after ourselves, we can’t take care of our environment. This costs us money, and wastes resources.

Organizing your life is not just putting stuff away. It is having peace of mind, remembering appointments, arriving on time, easier housework, saving money, letting go of gifts guilt free that you don’t like, want, or need, and having more time to just enjoy life.

I’ll share the best secrets and step by step tips to show you how you can get organized and stay that way. Each month we will tackle topics like: Rooms, clutter, closets, drawers, clothing, photos, books, keepsakes, paperwork, files, and time management.

So if you’re ready, our journey begins!

Here are some easy tasks to get you started and help develop new habits:

  • Walk around and make a list of things or areas you want to organize, be specific, and detailed
  • Buy a planner and fill in all appointments, birthdays, events…
  • Get small to medium boxes for storage or take away
  • Have garbage bags and clear recycling bags
  • Sort photos – throw out bad/ duplicates
  • Recycle newspapers/flyers/papers/ recyclables
  • If you don’t have a hook or place for keys get one, even if it’s temporary
  • Stop buying unnecessary things… or too many sale items, put any money you would have spent into a jar to save, invest, or spend on something special
  • Take before and after pictures of every task you do!!!

Most importantly – have fun!!! It feels good to get your life in order, so put on your favorite music and snap! The job’s a game! Love Mary Poppins!

Questions and feedback welcome debmag04@gmail.com