By Jan Herzog
Yoga breathing is also called pranayama in yoga lingo. I have been dealing with frozen shoulder- adhesive capsulitis. Even though I have a mild case and I can still use my arm it is “stuck” in certain movements.
I have been working with a really good physical therapist and also some awesome massage therapists. Things were progressing and improving slowly for a few weeks once I got into the right PT.
My range of motion took a big positive shift when I decided to commit again to a regular yoga breathing practice. This practice has been hugely important for me over many years. I have experienced a reduction of colds in cold season, an increase in endurance when I was a long distance runner and an ability to calm an occasional anxiety response. In my natural childbirth, after learning many techniques, I basically only used pranayama for focus, calm and pain relief.
Recently I realized a new personal benefit: the bigger breath and attention into the connective tissues surrounding the complex shoulder joint provided space, blood flow and nutrients. The other muscles and fascia was able to open to a better position, decrease inflammation, and cause pain relief. Placing my attention in the area with breath, focus and meditation is increasing the healing process.
Deep breathing techniques have been now been scientifically proven to decrease anxiety, increase focus, regulate the heart rate and obviously assist recovering in lung, heart of other rehabilitative recoveries. Medical professionals are now taught to appropriately guide patients in various breath techniques. Many of these techniques are exactly the same or very similar to ancient breath mediations taught along yoga and meditation: pranayama. Pranayama means stretching Prana (imagined and felt “life energy” ) in Sanskrit.
I teach yoga breathing/ pranayama separately from the physical aspects of yoga strengthening and stretching. I instruct and guide students in a supported and comfortable position – either lying down or sitting in a chair or supported on the floor. I also leave time of quiet so students can practice themselves. This way people can focus just on these techniques which take time to learn.
Before learning yoga breathing techniques it is extremely important to first be able to calmly just notice how your breath is naturally flowing in and out of your body and inside your body. I have learned this from many respected meditation and yoga teachers. Some teachers have even suggested just focusing on the normal rhythm of breath IS pranayama. Sometimes your own “normal rhythm of breath” is slightly faster or slower or choppy. As you tune your attention peacefully into it just as it is, calm and healing happens.
Schedule a session with Jan by appointment: janherzog3@gmail.com, 314-323-1990 janherzogyogandmassage.com.