
Earthworms’ Castings: Spring 2

Jena Ponzi

By Jean Ponzi

Turning Point
for an Inside Job

Going All In 
thru Time Out, big time

My Goals:
stay well
be kind
keep the job
OK, So?
Fine, just fine, thanks
All My Relations

last time around, at this time
first Buds a reLEAF
in step outdoors
Open Heart

opened windows
spaced apart
Intent: keep connections

The Big To-Do List?
home improvements
within, without
house, self, kin, planet
outreach invested
persistent – resilient – sentient 
Be. Here. Now.

Hocus Pocus – maintain FOCUS
exploring Eco-Logic
HOW do we FEEL?
Asking as a functional question
mask face
time, space
How to carry forward
Focus from this Time Out place?

Jab – YES!
yet staying inward
cultivating culture of kindness
introspecting while projecting 
toward an Out/About renewal

Day ONE, Spring 2:
Hugged a dearest friend.

Jean Ponzi keeps up green relations through conversations: Earthworms, her podcast from KDHX St. Louis Independent Media.