By Tom Braford
We are building networks of Reconciliation and Regeneration Ecovillages.
The late great John Lewis had a motto that he lived by: “When you see something, say something and then do something.”
I see that much of what we believe is no more than a figment of our imaginations.
John Lennon invited us to imagine all the people sharing all the world in peace. No black/white divide, no Delmar divide, no City/County divide, no St Louis/East St Louis divide, no rural/urban divide, no Republican/Democrat divide, just people, heaven and nature singing.
I hope that someday soon many of you will join us in living, working, playing and praying, if you like, as one of an expanding network of Beloved Communities.
You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one! Now forming, WaterBird Cohousing!
Why WaterBird? Because from a bird’s perspective there are no divides. They have shown us that by crossing Delmar with their annual huge water bird urban rookery each spring to the block of our first St Louis Ecovillage and by inviting us to be their neighbor with prodigious gifts of blue, gray and white feathers and sky blue eggshells.
The first phase will include the Eco-Innovation Center, which will serve as a co-working space for the administrative and clerical functions of several forming worker-owned co-ops in the active WaterBird Café setting. The café will have outdoor and up in the hanging gardens under the solar canopy seating for the general public.
The Eco-Innovation Center will also serve as a common house and special events facility for the forming WaterBird Cohousing community and surrounding Central West End neighborhood. Baristas will double as gardeners and EcoTourism guides. In addition to tours of the facilities, other parts of site and parts of the community under construction, the highlight will be a ride up the elevator or walk up the stairway to the big water bird observation deck and photo blind. The four-story hanging gardens will be seasonally enclosable to allow for year-round food production and Covid safe semi-outdoor dining.
Come join us!