
The Year of the Dog

How to Stay Healthy the Year of Covid-19

By Dr. Gail Cloud, DC

Recently, by zoom of course, I was speaking with my cousin and he referred to 2020 as the year of the dog. This made me laugh, but the more I thought about it I realized how true a description it is. First of all, many of us being at home more, if we didn’t have a dog, we adopted or purchased one. Secondly, those of us with pets, dogs in this case, spent lots of time walking and/or training and caring for our dogs. Thirdly, it was certainly a dog year…long, uncertain and challenging.  

Dogs can, though, help to keep us healthy. Owning a pet requires lots of walking and exercising with them. Then, they require attention to their diets, and hopefully, this care transfers to us and to caring for our own diets. Additionally, and certainly not last in importance, they give us lots of unconditional love of which we are all in need of. 

The year of the dog now morphs into a new year of caring for and being aware of our health so that we can thrive in our new world of Covid-19 and rebuilding. Questions arise such as: How can I continue to live a healthy lifestyle? What can I do to improve my diet, exercise and gratitude practice? Maybe if we didn’t pay so much attention to these things in the past, we can begin to look at and think about ways in which we can implement them now. 

In my office, I look at all lifestyle components: diet, exercise, spiritual and wellbeing practices. I can determine which foods are best for your body type, test for sensitivities, recommend supplements, guide you through meditation and visualizations, help you to get more in touch with your body/self, help to break intergenerational traumas, and those who request it, give astrological guidance. 

Feel free to contact my office and make your appointment today:
www.bodypresencing.com, gail@bodypresencing.com., 314-995-9755.

Dr. Gail Cloud, D.C., trained and certified by Mark Wolynn, author of, It Didn’t Start with You, and Debra Silverman, and Steven Forrest astrology.

Virtual Mediation Sessions on Saturday mornings at 10:00 – 10:45 AM CST. 

There has never been a better time for us to make the space inside us for our healing, rest, regeneration, and renewal. Please join other like-minded souls on this weekly meditation journey with me. 

Cost: $15.00 per session, payable by Venmo or Paypal.

Remember, I am available not only in my office, where all the safety procedures are in place, but by phone, Skype, or Zoom. Even with Chiropractic issues, we can discuss the difficulty. I can watch you move and suggest things you can do. I can guide you to movements and stretches that can help. We can talk about diet and supplements for your health and issues that come up and that get triggered by life in general.