Meditation and Astrology of our Times Zoom Event July 25
By Dr. Gail Cloud, D.C.
You are invited to a zoom event of meditation and astrology. In this event we will begin with a 45-minute guided meditation. Afterwards we will look at aspects of our charts which shed light on how we each use our minds, how our minds work, and how we come from our hearts and gain nurturance and comfort.
Too many of us live in separation; from our selves and parts of ourselves, from others in general, and from some in particular because of our own conscious and unconscious biases. We have to begin to close the gaps by working on ourselves. The more we can bring our parts together and invite them to share space with each other, the more we can do the same with others.
Our external world is filled with strife, rebellion, revolution, anger, rage, uncertainty, polarity and division. As it is said, as above, so below. It is also true that as within, so without. This 2 hour event is dedicated to seeing what keeps our own parts separate from each other so that we individually can become more present and whole, one person at a time.
We will look at where certain planets are in our charts and what they show us about ourselves in relation to how we compartmentalize, and how we can bring our heads and our hearts together. These planets are the planet of mercury and the moon. We will also take a few minutes to look at how these celestial beings are in relation to our world and how they are playing out in the axis of the world. We will just have come through three eclipses, and also the backward seeming movements of the planets of Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Mars. What a time we are living in. I can’t think of a better time to carve out, to look at ourselves and our potential in greater wholeness and acceptance.
The date is Saturday, July 25th from 10:00 A.M. until noon, CST.
I will send all interested parties the zoom information. Just message me your interest and I will send you the pertinent information.
I am asking for a donation of 20.00 per person through Venmo, or through Paypal.
Message me through my email:, or by calling me and speaking with me or leaving a message: 314-995-9755.
Everyone who reaches out to me with interest will hear back from me with the zoom information. So, SAVE THE DATE, JULY 25, 2020, 10:00 A.M. until NOON.
Hope to see you then!!