By Linda Weber Spradling
The United States has excellent acute care medicine. Acute care is Not preventive care. Anyone on the path of wellness can attest that finding the right preventive health care lifestyle and diet for you is sometimes confusing and difficult. We are all just as unique in our health needs and concerns as we are in our fingerprints. We are blessed here in St. Louis with many, really good doctors who can help us in our journey. Most disease begins as inflammation.
Thermal imaging detects abnormal inflammation in our bodies.
Yearly thermal imaging offers the opportunity to detect a progressive disease at its earliest stage, before symptoms, when wholistic treatment can usually stop or even reverse the progression.
So many serious diseases have no symptoms until they are fairly advanced. Why wait for symptoms? Why not find cardiovascular disease so early in its progression that it can be reversed with diet and perhaps a whole food supplement? Why not find out that your colon or liver are inflamed while the problem might be addressed with diet change or a detox program?
Western medicine certainly recommends yearly screenings at various times in our lives. Thermal imaging can find a disease starting well before those standard tests will find them. Don’t you want to avoid prescription drugs or surgery? Breast cancer can show up in thermal imaging as many as 6 years sooner than mammograms. This can be the difference between saving your breasts or loosing them. This can be the difference between needing chemotherapy or not. This amazing health information is not covered by insurance, but it is surprisingly affordable. How do we put a price on health?
Medical Thermography of Metro St. Louis has been offering thermal imaging in the bi-state area for eleven years. We attend all continuing education training and are a preferred clinic. We offer full body, half body and breast health screening. We offer cold stress testing when needed and medical-legal. We understand the contribution thermal imaging can make to your wellness program. We can help you find a doctor who can understand our thermal report and help you with your own unique health plan. We have offices in Fenton and O’fallon, Missouri as well as Belleville, Illinois. How healthy do you want to be? Take control of your health. Get started now!
Medical Thermography of Metro St. Louis
By appointment only