February 2
Learn T’ai Chi for Health & Fitness
Yang Style T’ai Chi is characterized by slow, rhythmic movements of the body. The Form can be practiced at any age, requires no special equipment beyond comfortable, loose clothing and flat, thin-soled shoes. Once learned, the Form takes about eight minutes to practice. To learn more about T’ai Chi Ch’uan, call 314-961-1355 or please visit the web site at www.taichistlouis.org. Beginner classes start February 2 at the Monday Club in Webster Groves. (The first class is FREE!). You can also read the article on page 5 for more information.
February 11
Delivering Personalized Medicine with Epigentics
You are cordially invited to an exclusive private briefing “Delivering Personalized Medicine with Epigentics”, Tuesday, Feb. 11, 6:30 pm reception, 7pm Heavy Hors d’Oeuvres. Guest Speaker, Carlos Montesinos, Senior VP of Product Development at Regenr8, Founder and Executive Director, Nugevity Life Sciences. Hosted by Gina Birkemeier, VP of Learning & Development and Michele Heizer, VP of Partner and Practice Success. The Bogey Club, 9266 Clayton Road, 63124. RSVP Joanna@regenr8.pro or text 954-663-0121.
February 11
Weaving Integrative Medicine with Internal Medicine
FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion – Weaving Integrative Medicine with Internal Medicine – Learn how to build your immune system and take charge of your health. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you’ll learn why you don’t have to live with your “incurable” symptoms anymore. Topics covered include: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Nutrition, and many more. You should come to this discussion if you feel, “My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so lousy?” Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at our healing clinic: Prevention and Healing, Inc., 10908 Schuetz Road, St. Louis, MO 63146. Seminar led by Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist. Weaving Integrative Medicine with Internal Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date; seating is limited, arrive early, 314-432-7802. See patient stories at www.preventionandhealing.com.
February 15
Deciphering and Untangling Relationships Starting with Ourselves
Join me in a mini astrology workshop on understanding relationships. In order to understand others, it’s important to know ourselves first. In this morning workshop we will begin by delving into the relationship aspects of our charts and look at where our own growth lies. Only then can we begin to understand ourselves in relationship with others. We will then begin to put what we learn about us towards understanding another’s chart, or another person in our lives. Come join me Saturday, February 15th for this first exploratory look at us in relationships. When: Saturday, February 15th from 9:00-noon, Where: 51 Graeler Dr. St. Louis, 63146. This is a residential street. Look for the house with a red garage door. Facing the house there is a walkway on the right. Take the walkway to the back of the house and enter into the first door on your left.
Cost: 50.00 per person. RSVP: I need to know ASAP as there is a limit of 5 people so we can explore deeply. Gail@bodypresencing.com., 314-995-9755.
February 19
Nutrition 101
Have you ever wondered what types of nutrients are found in different foods, how much you should eat, and what you should really be choosing for mealtimes each day? Join Licensed and Registered Dietitian, Allison Lesko and CEO of fit-flavors, Jillian Tedesco to learn about truly balanced eating, macronutrients, and how to appropriately control portions. Explore the upcoming changes with nutrition facts labels and teach you the importance of knowing what’s on your ingredient lists. Class will breakdown different fad diets, why they are considered a fad and how to make sure your eating practices lead sustainable habits for the long haul. 1 session. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 6-7:30 p.m., St. Louis Community College at Forest Park. $35. Register for PEDU-769 P02 at stlcc.edu/CE or at 314-984-7777.
February 20
What Parents Need To Know About Safe Technology
STL for Safe Technology is showing the film ‘Generation Zapped’ followed by a talk on What Parents Need To Know About Safe Technology. New research is linking non-ionizing radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices we commonly use, such as WiFi, cell phones, tablets and laptops, to neurological harm, both prenatally and postnatally, effecting Behavior, Memory & Learning. Thursday Feb. 20th 6:30 to 8:30p.m. in the Meeting Room at Webster Groves Library 301 E Lockwood Ave, 63119.
February 22-23
Qi Gong Meditation Workshop
Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese meditation practice rooted in Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. A 2 day, Zhineng Qigong workshop for beginners is being offered February 22-23 at Peace United Church of Christ, 204 E Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves. For more info about registration and general questions please email: joan@ileh.org or call 314-302-7701.
February 24
Caregiving at Home – Caregiving Resources
Of the nearly 44 million family caregivers in the United States, many are often over-burdened and under-informed. Both the caregiver and care-receiver will benefit from having access to quality resources that support them in their respective roles. Learn valuable information about the basics of caregiving and receive helpful resources and tips for navigating your role as a family caregiver. 1 session. Monday, Feb. 24, 6-8 p.m., St. Louis Community College at Meramec. $25. Register for AHCE-701 P05 at stlcc.edu/CE or by calling 314-984-7777.
February 29
Vegetable Gardening
Do you want to “grow your own” this season? For the best selection of seeds and plantings, you need to start planning early. Learn tips for planting, maintaining and harvesting your own fresh veggies. Topics for discussion include raised beds, container gardening and more. Bring your questions for our gardening expert and local nursery owner. 1 session. Saturday, Feb. 29, 9-11:30 a.m., St. Louis Community College at Meramec. $35. Register for HORT-701 P01 at stlcc.edu/CE or by calling 314-984-7777.
Send Your Happenings to: JBL44@AOL.COM by the 15th of the month.