By Simon Yu, MD
A Kentucky woman came to see me five years ago; she was convinced she had parasite problems and said that local physicians ignored her. She was not only passing white threadlike parasites with bowel movements, she reported she could feel the movement through her abdomen, legs, arms, and face, and had crawling sensations through her entire skin. She could not convince her primary care physician to treat her since her stool test was negative for parasites. Out of desperation, she has been taking an animal grade parasite medication, fenbendazole, but had only partial improvement. Fenbendazole is used as a deworming medication for goats, dogs and large animals.
When I evaluated her acupuncture meridians, she still showed deeply embedded parasites in the gallbladder meridian, and she also had hidden dental infections. I gave her a nickname, the Old Goat from Kentucky. She was not amused by my effort to win her over. I tried many different combinations of parasite medications based on meridian evaluations with only a marginal response. The Old Goat Kentucky lady was also treated by a biological dentist but I was still picking up the signals that she had persistent parasite and dental problems.
Her condition was getting worse and CT scan of the abdomen revealed swollen lymph nodes and suspected possible early stage of lymphoma. I tried many different combinations of parasite medications without significant improvement. She also had several dental operations and still showed dental infection. We were at a stalemate and getting frustrated. She stopped coming, and never completed the original plan for treating parasites.
Since then, dental DNA tests became available and I have been requesting DNA test as forensic evidence after dental cavitation operations in the jaw. To my not-so-surprise, the majority of jaw infections are positive for Entamoeba protozoa parasite infection and Treponema spirochete infection, which often mimics Lyme disease. These twin infections are very common among many different bacterial and viral infections in the dental-oral area. What have I learned from this Kentucky woman? Fighting deeply hidden parasites is an uphill battle when dental-oral infection is involved.
Next, let me introduce the Octopus Man. He had been passing multiple parasites and tried different combinations of OTC parasite medications and natural herbs without much success. He described it as if an octopus was attached to his gut which released octopus tentacles, but he could not get rid of the Queen mother octopus in his gut. I gave him the nickname Octopus Man. Based on acupuncture meridian evaluation I tried very high doses of multiple combinations of parasite medications, with moderate success. Hundreds of octopus tentacles (tapeworms, flukes and rope-worms) were still coming out of his stool, but less than before. Overall he was feeling better, with less muscle twitching and panic sensation. He also had dental infection, fungal problems and heavy metal exposures.
He was obsessed to kill his queen octopus but seems more relaxed and less anxious. His allergy-immunology meridian points indicated that he was highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMF). EMF may come from cell phones, dirty electricity and smart meters. He ended up quitting his job and became a certified environmental home inspector for Wi-Fi EMF pollution and mold remediation, working in a new career as a Building Biologist.
Parasites seem thrive in exposure to EMF, at the price of the host, and it makes it harder to get rid of them. Patients with heavy metal exposures are more sensitive to EMF, especially people with dental amalgams or any metal dental materials. Metals respond to EMF and it can interfere with brain waves. Some people are more sensitive than others. In 2006, the US Department of the Army released an unclassified document, Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons, which investigates types of EMF sensitivity. In 2019, a Scientific American blog raised safety concerns about 5G.
What did I learn from the Octopus Man? If you have active dental problems or are sensitive to EMF, you are less likely respond to the parasite medications. Talking about parasite medications, I began using them in 2001 when I came back from Bolivia on a US Army Medical Reserve Corps mission. Since that time, the price of these medications has been hijacked by pharmaceutical companies.
There are also more restrictions on access to these medications. At my last conference in St. Louis, Fungus, Parasites and Dental Conundrum, I presented a case of a stage 4 advanced cancer patient responding to ivermectin and levamisole antiparasitic medications. I wrote an article called, Ivermectin Deficiency Syndrome, explaining the anti-tumor activity of ivermectin, and a recent update, Searching for An Old New Cure Part II.
However, levamisole was pulled from the US market in 2000 and was no longer available for human use. A year ago, I was told by our compounding pharmacy that they have difficulty getting ivermectin. This year, the price of albendazole, my other favorite parasite medication, was raised over 1000% and I am scrambling to find access to parasite medications at a reasonable cost. Many patients resort to the Internet and get medications from India or Mexico at a fraction of the cost in the United States.
My good friend, medical doctor Helmut Retzek from Austria (Helmut Retzek’s blog has extensive well researched materials and is highly recommended), sent me an email regarding a gentleman named Joe Tippens from Oklahoma with stage 4 cancer who reported being cured using the dog worm medication fenbendazole on YouTube. This interview is going viral around the world. The idea of cancer and parasite connections is compelling, and FDA has been silent. When the price of albendazole was raised 1000%, FDA was silent. Do you think FDA will be silent when a seven dollar dog worm medication, fenbendazole, may cure advanced cancer? So far, FDA has been silent on Joe Tippens until… you wait.
Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Integrative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s new book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by on Integrative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early.
Tags: January 2020