
Breakthrough the Programming: Are You Playing the Victim, Villain or Hero In Your Own Life

By Jon P. Frieda, MBA

When we are born, we do not know fear. The only thing that we may fear is that our mother may not feed us, or that she may put us down. From the time that we are born, until approximately the age of seven, we are significantly influenced by the world around us. This perceptual programming of the subconscious mind shapes the character of our lives. Today, thanks to the pioneering research of people like Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, we now know in detail that these early years of programming will inevitably influence the vast majority of an individual’s behavior for the rest of their life. Early on, the Jesuits were aware of this programmable time in life, even proclaiming, “Give me the child until it is seven years old and I will give you the man.” So, in a very real sense, the majority of how we navigate the world around us is an acquired taste. But would you continue to eat something if it burned your tongue, was extremely bitter or made you feel nauseous?
Interested? If so, read on as we briefly highlight and explore the importance of belief and how we manifest our beliefs into reality through the emotions associated with them.

If you have not seen the documentary E-Motion, please do yourself a favor and watch it. In the movie, there is a discussion about mood, temperament and personality traits. If you get into a mood, positive or negative, the emotions you feel can last for several days to a week. Most of the time, the mood will pass, but if it does not and lasts from days to weeks and into months, it becomes a temperament. If this temperament prolongs for several months into years, it becomes a personality trait.

Body language is defined as the process of communicating nonverbally through conscious or unconscious gestures and movements. Consider the language that your body speaks. Did you know that your body is literally having a conversation with you every single second of every day? It’s true. Our bodies are constantly communicating to us, but we often override this conversation due to our programming.

On a scale of one to ten, one being a low emotional state, and ten being a high emotional state, where would you rate your emotional set point? Do you frequently feel stressed, overwhelmed, worried, or fearful? Or, do you feel appreciation, care, compassion, gratitude, joy and love? Certainly most people have felt all of these emotions at one time or another, but consider the emotions that you feel most of the time. Be honest with yourself.

Have you ever been in a swimming pool and tried to grab a hand full of water? It just slides right through your fingers. Like water, emotions are fluid. Until we empower them, they do not solidify. From a quantum perspective, the longer that the belief associated with the emotion lingers on, the deeper it goes, the stronger it takes hold on your reality, and in the case of negative emotions, the more difficult it can be to break free of it. The word quantum refers to the study of theoretical physics known as quantum physics, and seeks to explain the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.

Consider now your programming from an early age, and to get a gauge of your beliefs and how they manifest as your emotions and therefore your reality, ask yourself three simple questions: Who am I? What do I know? What do I want? You may be surprised at how revealing these three questions can be with regard to your emotional set point and the specific times to which you trace the initial events that seeded these beliefs and emotions into your consciousness, where they now reside in your subconscious. These three questions are necessary to begin the unraveling.

Upon observing society today, it appears that the majority of the western world operates strongly on belief in lack and victim-hood due to unresolved emotional trauma. In fact, we are societally-conditioned to live this illusion from an early age through media. You can see it as soon as you turn on the television, or search up your favorite website for the news of the day. It is a perpetual psychological warfare reel of the highest order designed to keep you embroiled in a lower emotional state. Could it be possible that this is a form of mind control? If you really pay attention it also appears that the commercial breaks are formatted in such a way that they prey on people’s feelings of victim-hood and lack. For example, I recently watched a commercial break on a children’s programming channel that my kids were watching, which began with a commercial about losing weight, followed by a commercial about healthy eating, concluded with a fast food commercial.

The bottom line is that you are the main character playing the starring role in your own life. You have the free will to decide if you are going to play the victim, the villain or the hero. Ask yourself the three questions today and every day and you will quickly determine that never before in history has it been such an opportunity to play the role of the hero, in your life and in the lives of others.

Breakthrough the decades of programming and you will soon find that there is a metamorphosis in the way that you answer the three questions going forward. With experience comes wisdom. Once you truly lift the veil, awaken from the autopilot mindset, and begin thinking for yourself, you will never go back to the old way because the reality that you are creating will change. Be thankful for your feelings, both positive and negative. Actively seek to find the blessings in everything. Understand that life does not happen to you. Life happens for you. You have access to all possible outcomes. You command the results.

Jon P. Frieda, MBA is the vice president of marketing and Sales at Neels Pharmacy, #8 Crestwood Executive Center, Crestwood MO 63126. You can contact him at 314-849-3123.