April 3
USGBC-MGC’s 12th Annual Green Schools Event
From kindergarteners to high school seniors, each year’s Green Schools Quest participants become some of our region’s best champions for sustainability. Their work reminds us that we all can make choices that have a positive impact on our region—and on our planet. The public is invited to attend the USGBC-MGC’s 12th Annual Green Schools Event to learn more about the work of these students! Student projects will be showcased and winners announced on April 3 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park. In addition, attendees will be invited to cast votes for the 2019–20 Green Schools Quest Focus of the Year. The three themes up for vote are health and wellness, water, and environmental justice. Visit www.usgbc-mogateway.org/green-school-quest.
April 3-24
Drawdown EcoChallenge
The Drawdown EcoChallenge is a fun and social way to take measurable action on the top solutions to global warming. This online challenge follows actions highlighted in Drawdown, a book based on meticulous research that maps, measures, models, and describes solutions to global warming that already exists. Participants track and share their progress online in a robust platform and earn points for taking action. The combination of collective action, camaraderie, and friendly competition makes change a little easier — and a lot more fun. Join the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter’s team or create your own online at www.drawdown.ecochallenge.org.
April 5 & 6
Celebrate Missouri trees with MDC through Arbor Days in April
MDC encourage people to plant native trees and practice proper tree care. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) encourages Missourians to celebrate the value of Missouri trees and forests during Arbor Days in April by planting native trees and practicing proper tree care. This year’s Missouri Arbor Day is Friday, April 5. Missouri has been observing the state’s official Arbor Day on the first Friday in April since 1886 when the General Assembly declared that day be set aside for the appreciation and planting of trees. National Arbor Day is recognized on the last Friday of April, which is April 26 for 2019. Missouri forests cover about one-third of the state and provide outdoor recreation, wildlife habitat, natural beauty, jobs, timber for many wood products, and much more. Spending time in Missouri woods and forests can also provide health benefits. Exposure to nature contributes to physical well-being, reduces blood pressure and heart rate, relieves stress, and boosts energy levels. Trees also work to help our wallets, our families, our communities, our environment, and our economy. Learn more about how trees work at treeswork.org. Get information on backyard tree care – including types of trees for urban and other landscapes, selecting the right tree for the right place, planting tips, watering and pruning info, and more — at mdc.mo.gov/tree-health. MDC’s George O. White State Forest Nursery near Licking offers residents a variety of low-cost native tree and shrub seedlings for reforestation, windbreaks, erosion control, and wildlife food and cover. Orders are accepted from Nov. 1 to April 15 every year. For more information, visit mdc.mo.gov/seedlings. The State Forest Nursery is celebrating Arbor Days in April by hosting an open house and tours on Saturday, April 6, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Stop by to see how nursery staff grows, stores, and ships more than 3 million seedlings each year. Tours are by reservation, call 573-674-3229. Communities around the state also hold local Arbor Day activities. For more information on Arbor Day and Missouri’s Tree City USA communities, visit the Arbor Day Foundation at arborday.org.
April 6
Using Cannabis Holistically
Cannabis Energetics Workshop presented by Dr. Pratishtha Strong, D.O. from the Kathmandu Clinic (www.drpstrong.com) and Jamila Owens-Todd, N.D. (www.minthealth.org). Saturday, April 6, 2-3:30pm. $40. MINT, 8748 Big Bend Blvd. Webster Groves, MO 63119. Purchase tickets at www.rootberryleaf.com or at MINT in Webster Groves or Kathmandu Clinic in Kirkwood, 111 Prospect Ave. Suite 202 D.
April 6
Wetlands for Kids
Saturday • 10 a.m.–3 p.m. No reservations necessary
Bring your family out for a fun-filled day to learn about the critters that call wetlands their home! The whole family will have fun with activities like casting, live animals, and exploring a beaver lodge. Everything will take place in and around the August A. Busch Conservation Area visitor center. For more information call 636-441-4554.
April 7
Recycling Extravaganza
10am to 2pm, in the parking lot of St. Louis Community College-Forest Park Campus. The event is free to the community, although for some electronics recycling there may be a nominal fee for CRT-types TVs. Feel free to make REX your one-stop shop to responsibly recycle not only electronics, but carpeting, medications, mardi gras beads, clothing and more. In 2018, we collected over 38 tons from 800 vehicles in just four hours. This year, there will be nearly 20 collectors, that in conjunction to their collecting, exhibit various social missions. A full list of these collectors and items they will be collecting is available online at earthday-365.org.
April 9
Weaving Integrative Medicine with Internal Medicine
FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion – Weaving Integrative Medicine with Internal Medicine – Learn how to build your immune system and take charge of your health. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you’ll learn why you don’t have to live with your “incurable” symptoms anymore. Topics covered include: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Nutrition, and many more. You should come to this discussion if you feel, “My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so lousy?” Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at our healing clinic: Prevention and Healing, Inc., 10908 Schuetz Road, St. Louis, MO 63146. Seminar led by Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist. Weaving Integrative Medicine with Internal Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date; seating is limited, arrive early, 314-432-7802. See success stories at www.preventionandhealing.com.
April 13
Riverbend Earth Day Festival
6 PM at The Old Bakery Beer Company. The 8th annual event offers local entertainment, food & drinks, an artisan’s market, environmental education, and more! The Riverbend Earth Day Festival will be held at The Old Bakery Beer Company at 400 Landmarks Blvd. in Alton, IL 62002. The event will take place throughout the building, with vendors set up in the lobby, event space, & brewery. The dining room will be open for business-as-usual. The Old Bakery Beer Company has partnered with The Nature Institute and Sierra Club to host the 8th annual Riverbend Earth Day Festival. The Festival is free, open to the public, and fun for all ages! The event will feature nature activities and information from a variety of environmental non-profits. The event expects to host 50 non-profits & artisans. Food and drinks will be available for purchase from The Old Bakery Beer Company and Poputopia Popcorn & Gourmet Sweets. The Old Bakery Beer Company will have a bar & food station set up in the event space alongside other vendors, and the dining will be open for business-as-usual. For more information, please contact lauren@oldbakerybeer.com. Visit oldbakerybeer.com.
April 14
SummerMarkt at Urban Chestnut
1am – 4pm . Craft beer lovers and craft vendors unite at Urban Chestnut’s SUMMERMARKT every 2nd Saturday, April – August. Enjoy live music, food specials and UCBC bier at the free market while you peruse the wares of 20-plus local artisans and artists at the Midtown Brewery & Biergarten. Vendors will be indoors and outdoors, so when the dog days of summer arrive, you can beat the heat and shop for unique locally made products. Location: UCBC’s Midtown Brewery & Biergarten (3229 Washington Ave.) urbanchestnut.com/summermarkt/
April 18
Plants That Work
April 18 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
At this session you will hear about the perennials and shrubs that reward us with abundant blooms and luscious foliage without all the fuss. We will share with you the plants we have found to be most beautiful, tough and long lived.This class is FREE and no reservations are required. Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 N. Woodlawn, Kirkwood, MO 63122. 314-965-3070.
April 18
Forest Park Forever Public Meeting
In August of 2018, Forest Park Forever and the City of St. Louis’s Department of Parks, Recreation & Forestry launched a comprehensive Natural Resources Management Plan to ensure the ongoing health, diversity and sustainability of the Park’s forests, waterway and more. We are pleased to present the final draft of our Forest Park Natural Resources Management Plan at a public meeting on April 18, 2019. The public is invited to enjoy a short presentation and pose questions to the project team from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor & Education Center in Forest Park. Here are the project goals: Help us better understand Forest Park’s natural resources and the human, mechanical and financial resources required; Properly restore and sustain the health, diversity and productivity of Forest Park’s natural areas; Determine the scope, scale and timing of restoration and maintenance projects; Secure resources needed to accomplish desired outcomes. For more info please visit forestparkforever.org/naturalresources
April 26
Discover Nature through Music with John Nilsen at Powder Valley Nature Center
Friday • 7 p.m. (Ages 12 and up). Join us for an evening of John Nilsen’s original music inspired by nature. Coming from Oregon to perform, John is one of the Northwest’s largest selling musical artists. His music has touched the lives of millions of listeners. John will be playing with a backdrop of beautiful images by MDC’s award-winning photographer, Noppadol Paothong. Call 314-301-1500 for reservation.
April 27-28
Earth Day in Forest Park Free Tree Sappling Giveaway
April 27 and 28 • Saturday and Sunday • 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
(All Ages). It’s the 30th anniversary of the Earth Day festival! St. Louis Earth Day fosters stewardship and sustainability by connecting over 60,000 like-minded environmental souls. Visit the Missouri Department of Conservation booth to help make a difference. A native tree seedling is offered to Earth Day attendees. Meet at Pagoda Circle in Forest Park.
April 27-28
30th Anniversary of St. Louis Earth Day
See full article and ad on pages 4 & 5 of this edition of The Healthy Planet magazine.
April 30
Gardening Under Trees
April 30 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am. This entertaining and informative talk will teach you how to garden under your trees without damaging them. Also discussed will be the ever-expanding selection of shade plants. Learn how to combine flower and foliage color, form and texture for season-long interest in your garden. This class is FREE and no reservations are required. Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 N. Woodlawn, Kirkwood, MO 63122. 314-965-3070.
May 3-5
Cranial Point Method Seminar For Healing Arts Professionals
See article and ad on page 12 of this issue of The Healthy Planet magazine.
May 5-6
Baker Creek Heriloom Seed Spring Planting Festival
See article and ad on page 3 of this issue of The Healthy Planet magazine.