Bethesda Health Group has created a life-saving initiative that provides key medical information to first responders in case of an emergency. At no charge, non-profit Bethesda is providing free Personal Emergency Medical Information kits to the Metro area. Bethesda is the leading St. Louis-area senior living, care and services organization dedicated to senior safety for 129 years. Bethesda’s Emergency Information kits provide first responders the most essential information including patient data, medications, allergies, emergency and family contacts, physicians, medical history and more. The American Red Cross, Abbott EMS, Gateway Ambulance, Ladue Police Department, Creve Coeur Fire District and Mehlville Fire District are among those that endorse the kit. The kit is fully self-contained and designed for placement in the home freezer where emergency personnel are trained to look. It includes a secure freezer-safe pouch, medical forms and a refrigerator magnet to alert responders and EMTs that the kit is inside. The consequence of not having the information could mean life or death to a parent or loved one.
Bethesda is making these kits available to the public at no cost or obligation as a community service. Local residents can obtain kits at: