By Tom Braford
Are you sometimes overwhelmed about global warming? We invite you to Undo Your Part by visiting, watch and share the video and join Citizens’ Climate Lobby. With those small steps for St Louis and one giant step for humankind under your belts, you can be part of the movement to rollback global warming!
With 95,000+ members, Citizens’ Climate Lobby is out to put a price on carbon and refund 100% of the revenue evenly to every resident in our country. This bipartisan solution will not penalize the middle class and the poor.
Many Citizens’ Climate Lobby members like us, once we experience how empowering this can be, also get involved in our community in other ways.
At Arizmendi Ecovillage, our aim is to undo everything in our culture, economy and environment in St Louis that is not workable for everyone. This includes social fragmentation, racism, sexism, economic uncertainty, environmental degradation, to name just a few.
How we manage our buildings can have a big impact. Last month, USGBC let us know that buildings across the US make up 40% of our carbon footprint, double that of Europe and many times more than most of the world. In the St Louis region, buildings make up 60% and in the City of St Louis, 70%.
Catherine Werner, the City’s Director of Sustainability, said recently that at 22.3 metric tons of CO2 per person per year St Louis’ footprint is double Chicago’s. This is having a huge impact on our health, our economy and other challenges that flow from that.
At Arizmendi Ecovillage, we are creating a model that demonstrates that it is possible right now in St Louis for us to undo our part, one Irresistible Ecovillage Solutions community at a time.
Our most immediate challenge is to undo a recently imposed City of St. Louis building condemnation order that could result in the demolition of the main Ecovillage buildings.
You can Undo Your Part by personally showing up and testifying at an appeal hearing in March and/or by investing your time, talent and treasure in this or other aspects of creating the Arizmendi Ecovillage.
To find out how you can Undo Your Part, come to a “Fun Fundraiser Play Day and Party” at the Ecovillage on Saturday, March 3rd.