
The Art of Relating

Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW

Real Change Through Real Action

Plenty of us have periods in our lives when we are simply taking some time out to just rest. We have ventured out towards our endeavor, only to seemingly hit a brick wall, and have once again retreated to the comfort of our daily routines. After all, there is a comfort in what we know and therefore it is easy to just stay put. However, change requires action. Nothing happens by just wishing or thinking. Naturally, as I am a Relationship Coach and Therapist, I am speaking about getting what you want both out of your current relationships and in your quest for a great relationship.

Many of you reading this are familiar with the Law of Attraction. In a rather “dumb downed” explanation, a major aspect of this concept is “energy in & energy out”. In other words, you must put energy into getting what you want, and it will start to come in correlation with your effort. Winter is a great time to do something proactive towards getting what you want from a relationship, as wishing for a relationship won’t make it happen. Additionally, you can’t keep doing the same thing expecting different results. In my field they affectionately refer to this as the “definition of insanity”.

Therefore, I have created a set of targeted, on-line workshops designed to give you the information you need to be prosperous in your quest for a healthy, long-term relationship or to greatly enhance the one you have currently.

These include:

  • Stop Choosing Emotionally Unavailable
  • Finding Your Authentic Voice in a Relationship
  • Surviving Internet Dating
  • How to Get the RelationshipYou Deserve

If you are searching for a solid relationship these workshops will teach you what it takes to have healthy relationships, what you need to know about yourself in order to decide who can actually meet your needs and how to go about getting what you want. You will learn how to think about relationships differently and how to change your entire approach to finally achieving a great partnership. If you are currently in a relationship and don’t feel empowered to speak up/state your feelings in a productive way, then perhaps you need to finally “find your voice” in your relationship. This is something that both partners need to be able to do to form real emotional intimacy, the glue to any long-lasting, healthy union.

As I stated earlier, you won’t get different results without changing the way you do things and you won’t get what you want without taking action. I have made these workshops easy to access though my website and you can engage in them in the comfort of your own home. I have made them both convenient and affordable. I have a terrific relationship and have always had a passion for helping others to do the same. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and take some action to finally get what you deserve.

Christine Kniffen, LCSW is a Therapist and Relationship Coach. For a free consultation call 314-374-8396.
Visit the Web for a complete list of services: www.ChristineKniffen.com.