With Pat Tuholske, Naturalist
Keeper of The Wild
May has arrived in full splendor! The first of May historically signaled the beginning of Summer with ancient bonfires lit on hills in raucous revelry. People leapt the fire to bring good fortune, fertility and happiness through the coming year.
This time of year I feel most strongly the presence of the Green Man. Also known as Jack-in-the-Green, archetypically he is the male fertility principle of the Earth, bringing the Greening of Spring. This god of the woodlands is so old, his origin is unknown. Stories of Jack-in-the-Green appear down through history in various cultures under many disguises. Whatever his name, be it Cernunnos, the Oak King or Pan, he presides over Nature as the Keeper of Wild Places.
The most widely recognized image of the Green Man portrays a face with features formed of leaves and vines. Look for his leaf-entwined face in the summer foliage of woodlands, untended areas of parks and the wild weed trees of abandoned city blocks. You may sense the presence of Jack-in-the-Green in an earthy smell, a touch of a breeze, a flickering sunbeam. He can awaken your own wild nature and help you know your inner Green Man. His wild haunts may be diminished but his foliate face shines within our hearts.
The month of May celebrates vitality, creation and the renewal of Nature. Hope is for a fruitful and healthy year. Pay attention to new ideas and nurture creativity. Consciously sow the seeds of hope, kindness, truth, and abundance. Rekindle your passion for life and unite with those you love. Every thought, feeling and wish becomes your harvest in the fall.
I call forth my inner Green Man and remember the many prayers I have witnessed being offered to Nature during ceremonies… prayers for well being and safe keeping. At these moments I know the old gods are alive and well and thriving. We are Nature’s army of Green Men planting trees, growing gardens and teaching our children respect for our home, Planet Earth. Be a Keeper of Wild Places.
Check out Pat Tuholske’s “Nature Chronicles” for musings on the Human-Nature relationship at pattuholske.com. See her Wild Wreaths, Wheels, Twigs and Native Herbal Remedy (aka Essiac) crafted from Ozark native plants at willowrainherbalgoods.com.