By Ed Smith,
Policy Director
Coalition for the Environment
Become A Lobbyist for Clean Water and a Healthy Planet
Protecting clean water, defending family farms, supporting renewable energy, and helping families near the smoldering and radioactive West Lake Landfill are some of Missouri Coalition for the Environment’s legislative priorities this year in Jefferson City. Unlimited campaign contributions during the last election, plus career lobbyists and their gifts mean people who care about the environment need to take action this legislative session. Speak up and become a grassroots lobbyist for environmental issues this year!
In the first two weeks of session, MCE joined the Missouri Rural Crisis Center in the
capitol to support family farmers and local control. There is proposed legislation that seeks to take decision-making power about large-scale factory farms out of the communities that are most affected by impacts to surrounding air, water and land. Local farmers arrived at the capitol to advocate for local control in order to keep those decisions at the community level. MCE also testified in support of Sen. Chappelle-Nadal’s SB 22, which establishes a buyout for families living closest to the smoldering and radioactive West Lake Landfill in St. Louis County. Again, local members of the impacted community showed up in Jefferson City to share their stories and lobby on their own behalf.
These stories do not get told if individual citizens do not show up in Jefferson City, pick up the phone or write a letter to tell them.
The legislative session started in January and ends in mid-May. During that time, lawmakers will propose, debate, and pass bills, while also addressing an estimated $456 million budget shortfall. As the budget and legislation are debated, MCE will keep people informed of what’s happening through our Missouri Legislative Action Network and social media. People can register for the MoLeg Action Network on our website,
According to elected officials, phone calls and letters are some of the most effective ways to get through to them. It’s going to be a busy year in Jefferson City. Your voice matters for our environment. Please commit to becoming a grassroots lobbyist and be engaged this legislative session!
You can learn more and join the environmental movement in Missouri by visiting