Just like many of you, The Healthy Planet magazine has some exciting New Year resolutions planned. Our biggest resolution is to do more for our readers, all 90,000 of you each month. We take our obligation to you seriously and that’s why we have some changes in mind for 2017 that will be of great interest and benefit to you. First of all we realize that many of our readers are Baby Boomers. And that means many of you are either seniors or have parents that are seniors. You know like me. A little gray around the edges but ready to enjoy life to the fullest. So we feel we need to institute a Senior Living Section in our magazine geared to those silver seniors in their golden years. Fun, exciting, healthy, sustainable… all the things our magazine is known for… and now with special information for seniors. We know you will love what we have to offer. Look for it coming up in the months to come. We are also starting up a travel section called Destinations. There are so many nearby and driveable places to visit in Missouri and nearby states. Maybe take the Amtrak to Chicago or Kansas City or drive to one of many Missouri or Illinois towns to shop, explore and stay at a bed and breakfast. Canoe one of Missouri’s beautiful rivers or enjoy a game of golf at the Lake of the Ozarks. Visit a winery, a brewery or go fishing and camping at a state park. We will work hard to bring you many of these resources in the months to come. We also want to build up our Green Living Guide, which was alive and well before the economy went south. Now in recovery, the Green Business industry is getting back on its feet and we want to bring you the resources you need to find out more about Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Energy Efficiency, Green Building, Sustainable Living and much more. If there is a Green Business in our area, we will find them and invite them to join The Healthy Planet so you may connect with them. The Green Movement in St. Louis is more than just a dream and we want to help make it a reality for all our readers and business partners. We will also continue to make our magazine about family. We will bring you the information you need to lead healthy, happy and eco-friendly lives. We will continue to work with environmental groups, health organizations, local charities and civic groups in offering complimentary space in our magazine to promote their missions and messages so that we all might benefit from helping each other. As we celebrate our 20th year in business in 2017, the one resolution we have to make is to not stand still. We have to keep growing and learning what best we can do for our readers and our community. And that is what we will do. Let’s all grow together!
Ever Changing, J.B. Lester; Publisher