July 2, 4
A Local Look at Energy Efficiency
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 07/02 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 07/04 at 8:00 p.m. Residential energy efficiency can play a key role in reducing demand for electricity. Host John Hickey discusses energy efficiency measures for homes with Jim Jordan and Stephen Mahfood. They look at how energy efficiency can affect utility bills and rebates being offered.
July 9, 11
Broken System: Effects on Health Care Workers
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 07/09 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 07/11 at 8:00 p.m. How does it affect health care workers to have seriously ill patients talk about whether their families would have less financial distress if they died? Host Don Fitz and guests Mimi Signor and Dr. Pamella Gronemeyer discuss how the private insurance monopoly impacts professional ethics.
July 12
Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine
FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion – Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine – Learn how to build your immune system and take charge of your health. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you’ll learn why you don’t have to live with your “incurable” symptoms anymore. Topics covered include: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Nutrition, and many more. You should come to this discussion also if you feel, “My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so lousy?” Second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm at our healing clinic – Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St. Louis, MO 63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date; seating is limited, arrive early, 314-432-7802. See patient success stories at www.preventionandhealing.com.
July 12
Sweet Sustainability
The U.S. is the world’s largest chocolate market. Mars Chocolate North America has set a goal to make their offices and factories “Sustainable in a Generation” and, since 2011, Mars, Incorporated has aimed to achieve LEED Gold certification for all new major buildings globally. A shining example of this commitment is their state of the art 500,000-square-foot LEED Gold confectionery manufacturing facility in Topeka, Kansas. One of several of Mars factories to have achieved zero waste to landfill, this facility boasts a wide range of sustainable features. WHEN: Tuesday, July 12, 5:30 – 7:30 pm WHERE: Alberici Headquarters, 8800 Page Ave, 63114 FEE: Free for USGBC-MGC Members and Full-time Students; $20 for Non-members REGISTER: www.usgbc-mogateway.org.
July 16
40th Anniversary Performance
Join Laumeier Sculpture Park for a free, outdoor performance of musical selections in celebration of the kick-off of the Park’s 40th Anniversary year. The event features Dr. James Henry with Vocal Point, Dr. Gail Fleming with Melodia and Vaughans Quartet, among others, and includes a presentation of the original composition Laumeier Sculpture Park Anthem, by Dr. Barbara Harbach. The performance is organized by Laumeier’s 2016 In-Residence: Composer Dr. Barbara Harbach and Conductor Dr. James Henry, supported by the Ferring Family Foundation. Saturday, July 16, at 11:00 a.m. in the Public Plaza outside the Adam Aronson Fine Arts Center at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road, Saint Louis, Missouri. Free. Call 314.615.5278 or visit www.laumeier.org for more information.
July 18-22
Crystal Kid Explorers Summer Day Camp
Camp Leader: Anahata Roach, Certified Crystal Resonance Therapist. July 18 – July 22, 8:00am – 5:00pm. The Classroom at The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit, 7647 Delmar Blvd., For ages 7-11, Cost $225. Do you have a child who loves crystal and stones? If so, this could be the summer camp for him and her. Kids will explore crystals and stones from both a scientific and experiential perspective. Each child will choose and keep his/her own personal stone to work with during camp and take home the last day. Please call The Center to register your camper at 314.725.6767.
July 19
Connecting Your Health Between Your Teeth and Body
July 19 – FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion. Connecting Your Health Between Your Teeth and Body. You may not realize it, but your teeth and gums may be making you ill or weakening your immune system. Hidden infections. Unresolved illness. Find out what may be happening between your teeth and body and what to do about it. Discover how infection and illness transfer between the teeth and body. Understand how biological dentistry focuses on your overall health. Learn about what dental materials are compatible with wellness, mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings,the impact of dental procedures, how certain dental procedures can influence your body, and nutritional therapy that supports a healthy mouth. Third Tuesday Each Month, 6:30 pm at the Holistic Dentistry office of, and presented by, Dr. Michael Rehme, D.D.S., C.C.N. (Certified Clinical Nutritionist), 2821 N. Ballas Rd, Suite 245, St. Louis, MO 63131. A Healthy Choice for Dental Care. Call to verify seminar date and reserve your space at 314-997-2550. See Patient Success Stories at www.toothbody.com.
July 27
Living Buildings & Communities
The Living Building Challenge is a building certification program with rigorous green standards; certification from this program denotes the highest levels of sustainability and efficiency. The Living Communities Challenge takes this one step further by applying LBC concepts to entire communities or cities. In this seminar, attendees will examine a variety of buildings at educational institutions in the Midwestern and Southeastern US pursuing Ling Building or Living Community certification. WHEN: July 27, 3:00 – 5:00 pm WHERE: MBG’s Commerce Bank Center for Science Education, 4651 Shaw Blvd, 63110 FEE: $30 for USGBC-MGC Members, $45 for non-members REGISTER: www.usgbc-mogateway.org
July 29-31
Free Introductory talk on the Art of Ascension
July 31, 6pm at Mystic Valley; 7241 Manchester Rd. – An ancient teaching based on praise, gratitude and love. This practice connects us to the Source within, effortlessly releasing stress and reestablishing life in the present moment. For more info: 206-735-1126; www.ishayasworldwide.com. Weekend workshop July 29-31.
July 30
Free Psychic Readings
The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit, 7649 Delmar Blvd. Have you ever met a psychic? What might it be like if you did? Demarus Harris is a St. Louis psychic who would be glad to meet you. So glad to meet you that he for a limited time only, he is offering his services for free at The Center for Mind Body Spirit on Saturday, July 30th. Concentration will be focused on matters your past, present and future in these short demonstration sessions. Appointments are limited and must be pre-booked by calling The Center for Mind Body Spirit (314) 725-6767.
July 30
Operation Food Search, the region’s largest distributor of free food for the hungry, seeks group and individual volunteers for its July 30th Saturday Jubilee, a region-wide food drive to restock its distribution center and shelves for its 330 community partner agencies this summer. Approximately 1,000 volunteers are needed to assist in staggered shifts from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., greeting customers and collecting donations at 150 of the organization’s grocery store partners in the City of St. Louis, and in St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson and Franklin Counties in Missouri and in St. Clair and Madison Counties in Illinois. Grocery partners include Dierbergs Markets, Schnuck Markets, Straub’s Markets, Walmart Stores and Price Chopper. Groups and individuals interested in volunteering during Saturday Jubilee should contact volunteer manager Katie.Schneider@OperationFoodSearch.org or (314) 726-5355 X 21. For a complete listing of Saturday Jubilee collection sites please visit www.OperationFoodSearch.org.
Mission: Nourish and Educate Neighbors in Need to Heal the Hurt of Hunger. Founded in 1981, Operation Food Search (OFS) is a leader in hunger relief, nutrition education and advocacy serving the Greater St. Louis region and feeding more than 200,000 people each month through a network of 330 community partners.
Visit www.OperationFoodSearch.org.
Together, we heal the hurt of hunger.
August 6
Live, Love, Latch! Parenting Conference Kicks Off National Breastfeeding Month
The local celebration of National Breastfeeding Month kicks off on Saturday, August 6, 2016 with “Breastfeeding and Parenting: Making It Work!” The full-day breastfeeding and parenting conference, which is designed for new, expectant and breastfeeding mothers, as well as interested fathers, partners, grandparents and other caregivers, will take place from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at The Heights Community Center in Richmond Heights. Attendees can expand their parenting knowledge with sessions about positive parenting, early breastfeeding, birth, nursing multiples, breastfeeding and working, supply issues and more. There are also some sessions geared toward lactation and medical professionals. Early bird registration for this affordable conference is encouraged by July 15; walk-ins will be accommodated as space allows. Non-separating babies are welcome, and on-site childcare will also be available for a fee through The Heights. Complete details, pricing and online registration can be found at www.lllstl.org/lilola2016.