Sound therapist Pati Pellerito and Native American Flutist Mark Holland have just released a new CD titled Dreamwalker. The new CD features Himalayan Singing Bowls, Planetary Gongs and other sound therapy instruments along with a variety of wood flutes.
There will be a CD release concert April 9 at The Chapel, 6238 Alexander Dr, St. Louis, MO 63105.
Pati Pellerito is a licensed massage therapist in practice since 1994, and certified in sound healing since 2008. Her experience with sound as a healing modality extends back to 1999 through the use of mantra and my studies in Kototama Medicine (Japanese Naturopathic Medicine) where sounds are considered a foundational component. She studied with Dr. Thomas Duckworth at Natural Life Therapy in Creve Coeur. Her initial study of Himalayan Singing Bowls began with Suren Shrestha, a Nepalese master of ‘sound work”, then continuing on to The International Sound Therapy Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was there that she met Fabian Maman who teaches Kototama Medicine using acoustic instruments, this was a real turning point for her in her sound practice. She then completed a gong master training program with Don Conreaux in Feb. 2015, a direct student of Yogi Bhajan.
Pellerito and Holland hold group sound healing sessions which begin with an insight meditation, simply sitting with awareness of the present moment, feeling and sensing into the body. “Easing any tension or discomfort in the body by utilizing the breath and gentle movement (qi gong style) as we prepare to lie back and allow the sounds and harmonies to wash through our body,” she explained.
By drawing upon years of experience in working with individuals in a healing setting, Pellerrio says “there is a sensitivity that comes in reading the group dynamic and tuning into the collective energy. While the foundation is there in the healing protocol, I feel its important to know your instruments, how they sound and what they offer and at the same time allow yourself to become a vessel for divinity to flow through. By deep listening, dropping into the space and tapping into the group energy, magic happens.”
Mark Holland, musician extraordinaire and Pati Pellerito have been in collaboration for the past year. His Native American style flutes range from sub bass that offer grounding, to small buffalo horn flute and in-between. Mark weaves beautiful melodies throughout the soundscape. Sounds of Himalayan Singing Bowls, Planetary Gongs, many other percussive and acoustic instruments offer nutrition for the neurological system as well as medicine for the soul. “Many describe this experience as transportive, a sense of deep peace and rejuvenation,” Pellerito said. “Many feel relief from pain that may they carried in with them. Many say the sounds seem to “go to areas of the body” that were feeling tense or discomfort before the session. While this is not a “cure all” and there are no guarantees about how a sound session will appear for you, it never ceases to amaze me how powerful this sound work is.” Every third Saturday of the month Pati holds a sound meditation at Big Bend Center Yoga studio.
Their new CD, “Dreamwalker”, produces a very dream-like experience, offering you an opportunity to surrender to the sounds, feeling free to explore the corners of your mind, surfing the edge of perception and then return safely where you began, but perhaps with slightly different perspective.
“Mark and I will be performing the Dreamwalker cd. So everyone should expect to see & hear about 20 Himalayan singing bowls and Planetary gongs and other instruments used for sound therapy along with a variety of Native American style flutes and other wood flutes. Joining us will be two very special guests.; Cory Edwards, a wonderful pianist and Vesna Delevska, who will be painting a new work on stage throughout the evening,” Pellerito said.
For additional information please visit online at and CD Release Party, April 9 at The Chapel, 6238 Alexander Drive Clayton, MO 63105 7pm. Advance tickets are only $10.00 available at Tickets at the door will be $15.00. As always 2 free drinks of your choice will be included in the admission.