
The Story Of Megan*

Megan and her husband were, by most standards, very healthy. They ate a diet high in vegetables and lean meats. They exercised every single day. And, they loved to travel. Several years ago, Megan began to notice that she became fatigued more easily and more frequently than before. She went to numerous doctors. She spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on various tests trying to find the cause of her fatigue. She loved her doctors and did exactly as they instructed, all to no avail. She was not getting better. When she found The Institute of Natural Health, she told us her story, her journey of trying to find the cause of the increasing fatigue that had been plaguing her. When reviewing her labs, we could see that she had been tested for everything from thyroid disease to Lyme disease and so much more. But something stood out. There was one blatant omission. In all of the testing, no one had tested to see if she had an autoimmune condition.

This was important. The National Institutes of Health estimates that up to 23.5 million Americans have an autoimmune disease. Comparatively, cancer affects up to 9 million and heart disease (the #1 killer in America) affects up to 22 million.

We ran the tests and there it was, staring us in the face: Megan had an autoimmune condition. And, based on the results, her condition was severe.

Now we had direction. From here we ran a food sensitivity test. This was extremely important because the foods we eat can either build us up or break us down. If we have a sensitivity to a particular food, eating that food will negatively impact our immune system. When those test results came in, Megan eliminated the offending foods from her diet. She utilized Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Pulsed Magnetic Therapy. We also placed her on a very specific nutritional protocol that involved weekly intravenous nutrition and daily dietary supplements to strengthen and balance her immune system. She was a model patient and we are happy to report that now, just over 2 years from her initial visit, the tests that indicated she had an autoimmune condition are negative. We are so proud of Megan and all she has accomplished. She has her energy and vitality back, and if you saw her today, you would never know how sick she once was.

This story is similar to that of many of our patients. If you are concerned about your health, and are interested in finding natural solutions to your health concerns, give us a call at 314-293-8123 or visit www.theinstituteofnaturalhealth.com.

*To protect privacy, name has been changed.