By Kelley Kirchner, DC, DABCI
Director of Women’s Health,
Institute of Natural Health
Ladies, let’s be honest with ourselves. When that annual appointment rolls around, none of us look forward to it. Yes, we know it is important, but we still dread it or even put off the appointment all together. Next thing we realize, it’s been quite some time since our last annual exam.
No matter what the reason, the most frightening part may be that phone call saying that our test results are abnormal. Then the questions start piling up: what does that mean, what do I do now, what are my choices?
Let me answer some of those questions. An abnormal PAP test is usually associated with a condition called mild cervical dysplasia. Cervical dysplasia is not cancer, but having this condition puts you at a higher risk of developing cancer.
Simple tests can be performed to determine whether or not the cervical dysplasia is from a high-risk strain of the HPV virus. These tests are valuable but, in my experience, are not performed nearly enough. The typical treatment for mild cervical dysplasia is to simply “wait and see.” If the condition worsens, women are usually given the option of a surgical procedure, called a LEEP procedure or “Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure.” This option, like most surgeries, is not without risk.
I am often surprised by how many women are unaware of the safe, natural approaches to treating gynecological conditions, such as mild cervical dysplasia. Combining standard PAP testing with natural therapies and boosting the body’s natural healing abilities can be extremely effective. And every therapy can be completely customized to each individual woman.
Your doctor should take the time to hear your complete case history, perform a thorough examination, and specifically evaluate the cervix. Once your test results are back, he or she should sit with you, answer all of your questions, and create a specific plan to address your unique needs.
It is important that every woman be fully informed of all of her options for managing her health. The least invasive, most natural, and safest methods should be offered, all while addressing the root cause. There are times when natural methods are not recommended due to the location or severity of the condition. However, in most situations, the natural methods are the safest and most effective option.
For more information and to contact Kelley Kirchner, please call The Institute of Natural Health at 314-293-8123 or visit online at