
Rainscaping Grant Deadline March 20

There is a new rainscaping program from MSD Project Clear! Rainscaping is a part of MSD Project Clear, a program by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District to improve water quality for everyone by focusing on clear priorities, clear communications, and clear water.

The new program is the Rainscaping Small Grants Program and focuses on the part of our region where stormwater drains directly into the Mississippi River. It’s designed to encourage landowners in the Rainscaping Focus Area to use simple techniques on their properties to reduce the impact of stormwater on the sewer system. Rainscaping techniques can include features such as rain gardens, bioretention cells, pervious pavement, green roofs, etc. Rainscaping features are designed to slow down, soak up and reuse the rainwater before it gets to the sewer.

Approved applicants will be granted up to $3,000 to add rainscaping features to their properties. Up to 50 individual grants are available. All landowners/applicants must be in the designated Rainscaping Focus Area and attend one Small Grants Workshop. All workshops will be held at MSD’s administrative offices on Market Street. Applications will be accepted until March 20, 2015.

To learn more about the program, please call Laura Lock at 314-609-3499 or email laura@stratcommrx.com.