
Job Market Demand Grows For Healthcare Professionals

Interest in health and fitness seems to spike in the new year as people resolve to replace holiday goodies with healthier choices. Of course, health and wellness are important year round, and some people not only want to stay healthy themselves, they want to help others live healthier lives.

If you’re interested in preparing for a healthcare career, there are a variety of career paths you could pursue – including Fitness Training, Massage Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. Missouri College offers programs in those fields as well as others, such as Medical Assisting, Dental Assisting, and Medical Administrative Specialist. Whether you’re looking for hands-on involvement in caring for patients’ healthcare needs or in work that supports those needs in an office setting, Missouri College can help you get started.

Their programs put you in settings that simulate real world environments to help you experience what the workplace is really like. Through hands-on learning activities, clinical experience, and supportive, knowledgeable instructors, you can develop essential skills, empathy and confidence in your judgment and abilities.

Significant growth is expected in healthcare fields between 2012 and 2022. The need for Occupational Therapy Assistants is projected to increase by 41%, with 23% higher demand for Massage Therapists and 13% for Fitness Trainers.

Missouri College has been helping people prepare for challenging and rewarding professional opportunities for over 45 years.

The college is located at 1405 S. Hanley Road in Brentwood, Missouri. If you would like to learn more about the programs mentioned here or other programs offered, you can contact them at 888-628-7333 or visit missouricollege.edu. They are enrolling now for classes that will start March 2nd.

*www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/occupational-therapy-assistants-and-aides.htm; www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/massage-therapists.htm; www.bls.gov/ooh/personal-care-and-service/fitness-trainers-and-instructors.htm (visited December 09, 2014).
Missouri College cannot guarantee employment or salary. Credits earned are unlikely to transfer. Missouri College is institutionally accredited by Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS). Find employment rates, financial obligations and other disclosures at www.missouricollege.edu/disclosures.