
About Missouri Environmental Fund

Raising Funds for Environmental Work

36 Environmental Organizations working in Missouri – in One Package!

By Laura Neuman-Howe,
Deputy Director,
Missouri Environmental Fund

The organization “Missouri Environ-mental Fund” was established in 1993 as a workplace giving campaign for environmental organizations. The organization has been operating as “Earth Share of Missouri” for the past 12 years, but recently re-organized and is now back to its roots and called “Missouri Environmental Fund” again. The organization a federation, somewhat like a co-op, that represents 36 non-profit environmental organizations working on the ground in Missouri. Missouri Environmental Fund organizations work on wide range of programs: clean air, clean water, protecting Missouri prairies and forests. Parks, trails, recycling, conservation, preservation of plants, wild animals, natural habitat, and environmental education are all accomplishments of Missouri Environmental Fund organizations. The Sierra Club, Missouri Botanical Garden, Audubon, Ozark Regional Land Trust and many more are included. Please visit www.moenv.org for a complete list and details about each organization.

The Fund’s mission is fundraising via workplace-giving campaigns on behalf of these organizations. A great secondary accomplishment is awareness building of important environmental work. The federation enables employees to make a single donation that benefits a variety of environmental causes.

Missouri Environmental Fund and all of its affiliated organizations are 501(c)3 organizations, so contributions are tax-deductible as defined by the IRS. Contributions may be shared with all of the organizations, or donors may direct that their gift go to their favorite environmental organization(s).

Currently Missouri Environmental Fund is offered in many workplaces, including federal employees’ Combined Federal Campaign, Missouri State employees, a number of municipal and county governments, HOK Architects, Bass Pro Shops, and others. Missouri Environmental Fund volunteers would be happy to talk to you about how to start up a campaign to benefit the environment in your workplace.

For more information, please visit www.moenv.org or call (314) 621-6182 ext. 1.