September 5
Get a jump start on next year’s garden! Both new and experienced gardeners will find a wide variety of native wildflowers, grasses, sedges, small-flowering trees and shrubs for home landscaping at the Shaw Nature Reserve’s fall Shaw Wildflower Market on Friday, Sept. 5 from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Admission to the sale is included with Reserve admission of $5 for adults and free for Missouri Botanical Garden members and Reserve passholders and children ages 12 and under. For more information, visit or call (636) 451-3512. The Shaw Nature Reserve is a division of the Missouri Botanical Garden.
September 6
24th Pesto Feast
The keynote speaker at the 24th Great Green Pesto Feast will be Gulf War veteran Michael T. McPhearson, who is Executive Director of Veterans for Peace. He will remind us of the thousands of Americans and millions of Vietnamese who have suffered birth defects and other effects of Agent Orange. Since 1990, Pesto Feasts of the Gateway Green Alliance have become well known for the wide variety of vegetarian food, including: Great Green Walnut Pesto, Sharp Lemon Pesto, Cinnamon Pesto, Vegan Pesto, No Nut Pesto and Tomato Pesto. Tomato sauce will abound for non-pesto eaters. The Greens are seeking additional vegetarian donations. Tickets to the Pesto Feast are $20 at the door or $15 advance purchase. To make a donation, purchase an advance ticket, or get more information, call 314-727-8554. Also, see the Greens’ web site: Join us at the Pesto Feast, 6:00 pm, Saturday, September 6, 2014 at Brentwood Congregational Church, 2400 South Brentwood Blvd (at Litzsinger/Eulalie).
September 6, 8
Action Has No Season
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 9/06 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 9/08 at 8:00 p.m. Micheal V. Roberts describes his first business venture of cutting grass as a child, with host Maalik Shakoor. Mr. Roberts believes that the most important part of success is developing self-esteem so that a person can put aside fear of failure and be confident of accomplishing one’s goals.
September 7
Transformational Breathwork
Facilitated by Shelby Corson, LMT, CTBF. Certified Transformational Breathwork Facilitator, Sunday, September 7, 2014, 1:00-3:30pm, The Center for Mind, Body & Spirit, 7649 Delmar Blvd. Cost: $60. Transformational Breathwork is a breathing process that helps to open restricted patterns of breathing, integrate and clear the subconscious mind and help you connect more fully with higher forms of consciousness.
In this workshop, you will: Be introduced to the power of breath; Experience an introductory breath session; Learn how to correct restrictive breathing patterns; Learn techniques for increasing your energy level and sense of well being; Gain tools to manage stress, connect with source and actively participate in your own healing. For information and registration, call 314.725.6767.
September 9
Green Remodeling & Interiors
A lively panel discussion with experienced practitioners of green home remodeling- from historic rehabs to affordable remodels to sustainable interiors. Presented by the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter, Home Builders Association St. Louis & American Society of Interior Designers St. Louis Chapter. WHEN: September 9, 5:30 – 7:30 pm WHERE: Sheet Metal Workers Local 36, 2319 Chouteau, Suite 200 (63103) FEE: Free for USGBC-MGC members and students, $20 for non-members REGISTER:
September 9
Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine
FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion – Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine – Learn how to build your immune system and take charge of your health. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you’ll learn why you don’t have to live with your “incurable” symptoms anymore. Topics covered include: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Nutrition, and many more. You should come to this discussion also if you feel, “My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so lousy?” Second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm at our healing clinic – Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St. Louis, MO 63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date; seating is limited, arrive early, 314-432-7802. See patient success stories at
September 12, 13 & 14
St. Louis World’s Fare in Forest Park
FREE, Reservations not required. The mission of the St. Louis World’s Fare is to be a free annual festival that will bring together peoples of the region, showcase the finest elements of international dance, art, music and food found in St. Louis and support charitable organizations. This special event is also designed to help bridge St. Louis County with St. Louis City, uniting the region into one community. Forest Park will be the centerpiece of a three-day celebration featuring events and competitions that embrace the heritage of the St. Louis today. Come to watch the Whole Foods Market Chef Challenge competition and visit our booth in the “Culinary Pike” area! Additional features of the event include:
- Live art exhibits on Art Hill in Artist Palace
- Live band competition at The Battle for the Fare!
- 30 local restaurants and 10 dessert booths in the Culinary Pike
- Head-to-head Chef Challenge
- Day of event entries for Dance Competition
- World Business Expo
- Fun and interactive displays on Kid’s Island
- Educational displays in the Historic Experience
- Day of event entries in the World’s Fare Games
For more information please call 314-968-7744.
September 13
La Vista Farm Dinner Fundraiser
La Vista Farm in Godfrey IL will be hosting their 2nd Annual Farm Dinner Fundraiser Sept. 13, 4 to 7 pm. The theme for this year’s Seed to Table feast is Global Fusion. The dinner will be prepared by the farmers themselves, truly making it a unique field to plate dining experience. See page 17 for all the details.
September 13, 15
Will Rubber Mulch Make You Safe or Sorry?
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 9/13 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 9/15 at 8:00 p.m. Donna Jones and Rachel Slaughter discuss dangers of rubber mulch with host Don Fitz. Rubber tires are full of toxins that are skin and eye irritants and contaminate ground water. Now, they are being ground up for rubber mulch to be put on children’s playgrounds and used in yards.
September 13
9-10 am. Do you have a passion for health and helping others? Join us for a presentation on the opportunity to become a Health Coach and help us in our mission to combat the obesity crisis in America. Overweight and obesity are the #1 cause of chronic disease and skyrocketing health care costs in our community. We have a program that connects clients with a safe, effective program that includes education and mentorship from their Health COach so they learn the skills necessary to maintain their weight and a healthy lifestyle. Our Health Coaches are compensated based on the number of clients they serve, and each coach can decide how much time they spend working with clients, so you can schedule your coaching work around what matters most to you. No-cost, no obligation information meeting. 9-10 a.m. is the introduction to health coaching, you may also stay for coach training 10-12 a.m. Cost: Free. Held at DePaul Hospital May Community Education Center, 12303 DePaul Drive parking lot #3, Bridgeton, MO 63044. For details or to register call Dr Rebecca Gould 314-727-2120 or register online via or
September 15
Green Schools Quest School Applications Due
The Green Schools Quest is challenging public and private schools in our region to devise & implement, with the help of Green Mentors, the most creative, effective and no or low cost sustainable practices for their schools- because where we learn matters! Interested schools can learn more & apply
September 16
Building Energy Data Analytics
This presentation will explore the emerging field of building data analytics. Presenters will discuss the features and capabilities of facility analytics services, especially as they relate to building performance, energy management, maintenance, and more. WHEN: September 16, 3 – 5 pm WHERE: Missouri Botanical Garden’s Commerce Bank Center for Science Education, 4651 Shaw Blvd., St. Louis 63110 REGISTER:
September 16
Free Monthly Wellness Support Group
Free Monthly Wellness Support Group. Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship, learning opportunities in Medical Spiritual Information and exercises to strengthen your journey in managing your plan of care and treatment. Support Group Leaders: Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. and Chaplain Paul R. Johnson, M.Div. When: Third Tuesday each month (with an occasional exception) at 6:30 pm. at our healing clinic, Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St Louis, MO 63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date, 314-432-7802. For more info, read the article on our web site at titled “New Medicine, New Biology: Spiritual Wellness, Spiritual Assessment, and Spiritual Care.”
September 16
Connecting Your Health Between Your Teeth and Body
FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion. Connecting Your Health Between Your Teeth and Body. You may not realize it, but your teeth and gums may be making you ill or weakening your immune system. Hidden infections. Unresolved illness. Find out what may be happening between your teeth and body and what to do about it. Discover how infection and illness transfer between the teeth and body. Understand how biological dentistry focuses on your overall health. Learn about what dental materials are compatible with wellness, mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings,the impact of dental procedures, how certain dental procedures can influence your body, and nutritional therapy that supports a healthy mouth. Third Tuesday Each Month, 6:30 pm at the Holistic Dentistry office of, and presented by, Dr. Michael Rehme, D.D.S., C.C.N. (Certified Clinical Nutritionist), 2821 N. Ballas Rd, Suite 245, St. Louis, MO 63131. A Healthy Choice for Dental Care. Call to verify seminar date and reserve your space at 314-997-2550. See Patient Success Stories at
September 18
Visit Jen’s Resale Boutique
every 3rd Thursday from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm for special sales, refreshments, and a $100 in-store shopping give away. Jen’s Resale Boutique, 8516 Manchester Road, 63144.
September 20
Celebrate in the Expansion
of Be Young EO becoming Be Young Total Health. Be Young Total Health is a great way to introduce friends and family to the quality and commitment that is what out company is all about. Please join us Saturday, September 20, 2014, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, 16631 Chesterfield Grove Rd., Chesterfield, Mo. 63005. Please contact Donna Langenbacher 314 420 0564
September 20
Autumn’s Child concert
at the wonderfully intimate music venue, The Chapel. 6238 Alexander Drive, 63105. The concert starts at 8pm and doors open at 7:30pm. Advance tickets are on sale now through Brown Paper Tickets. Go to to purchase online. Advance tickets are $10 (plus a small service charge) at the door $15. Included with your advance online purchase will be 2 free drinks. Joining us will be our special guest artist / painter, Vesna Delevska. Vesna will be painting a new creation on stage with us as we perform. You will be able to watch her at work throughout the concert. Her work is beautiful and you won’t want to miss this lovely blend of music and art all performed live on stage. Additional information at Vesna Delevska
September 20, 22
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 9/20 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 9/22 at 8:00 p.m. This is the Junior Black Chamber of Commerce’ (JBCC) debut of Harambee 101 on Green Time TV. It asks how the Individualized Education Plan can help and hurt black students. Host Ravon Lingard and Sean Nichols discuss the school learning environment.
September 22
6:30-8:30pm. Join us and discover an optimal health program that will help you to reach your healthy weight goals. Topics include the reasons why 85% of “Diets” fail and our safe, effective system for losing 2-5 lbs per week 1st 2 weeks; 1-2 lbs per week thereafter with the help of a free health coach. Our program is is safe and clinically proven program that conserves muscle while it burns fat. You will also meet others who have lost weight with Take Shape for Life and get all your questions answered. Cost: Free. Held at DePaul Hospital May Community Education Center, 12303 DePaul Drive parking lot #3, Bridgeton, MO 63044. For details or to register call Dr Rebecca Gould 314-727-2120 or register online via or Facebook/HealingSTL.
September 28
Healthy Planet Natural Living Expo
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., $8 general admission (free, under 16). The Healthy Planet, St. Louis’ Green & Healthy Living magazine, hosts its 28th Natural Living Expo at the Webster Groves Recreation Center, 33 E. Glendale Road, 63119 in Webster Groves. Live music, local beer and wine tasting, Exhibitors sharing ways to live a “greener” and healthier life at home, in the office and in the community. For information call 314-962-7748. See page 5 for total details and discount ticket.