
How Do You Measure Renewable Energy Success?

Your Ameren Missouri Pure Power program dollars in action

There are many Healthy Planet readers who are proud members of the Ameren Missouri Pure Power program. This article is aimed at you. We want you to fully understand that when you participate in the Ameren Missouri Pure Power program, you are supporting new, renewable energy generation in several different ways.

First, whether you are a 100% participant or purchase a fixed $10 “block” of Pure Power each month, a portion of your monthly premium is dedicated to purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). Since 2009, all the RECs sold through the Pure Power program were purchased from Farmer’s City wind farm, a renewable energy facility right here in Missouri. This means some of your money helped support the development of new, local renewable energy facilities, which is definitely one key measure of success.

Your monthly premiums are also used to engage people in conversations about renewable energy, which is another measure of success. It’s important for people to understand how renewable energy is made, how much it costs and what its benefits are. Outreach efforts such as sending mailers to people asking them to participate and purchasing window clings and posters to thank businesses for their support are all an important part of our program. These outreach efforts increase participation in the Pure Power program. And of course if more people participate, the program will collect more money, which means more money will flow to local renewable energy facilities.

Ameren Missouri does not profit from the Pure Power program. Your participation in Pure Power is completely voluntary and the renewable energy that is supported through Pure Power is above and beyond any requirements that Ameren needs to meet the Renewable Portfolio Standards they must comply with. This program is offered to Ameren Missouri customers in order to provide you an option to support renewable energy.

Pure Power customers like you make all of this measurable success possible. And if we don’t already know you, we would love to meet you! Please come out and see us at St. Louis Earth Day in Forest Park on Sunday, April 27. We’ll be in the big Ameren Missouri tent from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and also in our own tent in the Energy area. We hope to see you there!