
Healthy Planet Happenings

January 11 & 13
Threats to Dirt!
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 1/11 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 1/13 at 8:00 p.m. Sarah Heyman and Teresa Morris discuss the importance of root systems diversity and microorganisms for soil. How does adding chemicals for crop yields deplete physical and biological potentials? How do concrete and asphalt interfere with soil?

January 14
Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine
FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion – Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine – Learn how to build your immune system and take charge of your health. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you’ll learn why you don’t have to live with your “incurable” symptoms anymore. Topics covered include: Cancer, Heart Disease/Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Nutrition, and many more. You should come to this discussion also if you feel, “My Doctor said everything is fine! Then why do I feel so lousy?” Second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm at our healing clinic – Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St. Louis, MO 63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date; seating is limited, arrive early, 314-432-7802. See patient success stories at www.PreventionAndHealing.com.

January 14
State of the Chapter & Social
Meet Chapter members and leaders while taking a look back at 2013 and a look forward at plans for the upcoming year, while enjoying complimentary wine and beer. Committee chairs will highlight upcoming activities and present a multitude of opportunities for you to get involved in 2014. This is a great opportunity to get to know USGBC-MGC! We hope you’ll join us in welcoming the new year and contributing to our goal of transforming the built environment! Tuesday, January 14, 2014 5:30pm. Alberici Headquarters, 8800 Page (63114) map Free to all attendees! Invite your friends and colleagues! Contact USGBC-Missouri Gateway staff by email or phone (314) 577-0225.

January 18, 20
Rio + 20: What Went Wrong?
Airs on KNLC Channel 24 1/18 at noon and KNLC Renewable Energy Channel Channel 24-2 1/20 at 8:00 p.m. What was Rio +20? Why did so many regard it as a failure? Green Time connects by skype with Anne Petermann, of Global Justice Ecology Project. She explains that privatization of nature under the “green” economy is causing massive land grabs around the world.

January 21
Connecting Your Health Between Your Teeth and Body
FREE Monthly Seminar and Discussion. Connecting Your Health Between Your Teeth and Body. You may not realize it, but your teeth and gums may be making you ill or weakening your immune system. Hidden infections. Unresolved illness. Find out what may be happening between your teeth and body and what to do about it. Discover how infection and illness transfer between the teeth and body. Understand how biological dentistry focuses on your overall health. Learn about what dental materials are compatible with wellness, mercury-free, tooth-colored fillings,the impact of dental procedures, how certain dental procedures can influence your body, and nutritional therapy that supports a healthy mouth. Third Tuesday Each Month, 6:30 pm at the Holistic Dentistry office of, and presented by, Dr. Michael Rehme, D.D.S., C.C.N. (Certified Clinical Nutritionist), 2821 N. Ballas Rd, Suite 245, St. Louis, MO 63131. A Healthy Choice for Dental Care. Call to verify seminar date and reserve your space at 314-997-2550. See Patient Success Stories at www.toothbody.com.

January 21
Free Monthly Wellness Support Group
January 21 – Free Monthly Wellness Support Group. Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship, learning opportunities in Medical Spiritual Information and exercises to strengthen your journey in managing your plan of care and treatment. Support Group Leaders: Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. and Chaplain Paul R. Johnson, M.Div. When: Third Tuesday each month (with an occasional exception) at 6:30 pm. at our healing clinic, Prevention and Healing, Inc., Dr. Simon Yu, M.D., Board Certified Internist, 10908 Schuetz Road, St Louis, MO 63146, Weaving Internal Medicine with Alternative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer. Call to verify meeting date, 314-432-7802. For more information, read the article on our web site at www.PreventionAndHealing.com titled “New Medicine, New Biology: Spiritual Wellness, Spiritual Assessment, and Spiritual Care.”

January 26
Midwest Bicycle Expo and Swap Meet
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – general admission. Pre-register for no additional cost at www.trailnet.org for 9:30 a.m. admission. Gateway Center, One Gateway Drive, Collinsville, IL 62234. The Gateway Center is a 12-minute drive from the Arch. Presented by Trailnet, www.trailnet.org. $5 entry fee for pre-registered or day-of guests. Free for children 10 and under. This winter tradition since 2001 gives you access to bike shops, nonprofits, individuals and other bicycle-related businesses, each featuring a unique display of products and information. For info contact Steve Schmidt, steve@trailnet.org, 314.436.1324 x138 or visit www.trailnet.org.