by Simon Yu, MD
The 8th International Medical Conference on Bio-Cybernetics and Energy Medicine is being held in Saint Louis, MO on September 13-15, 2013 at the Frontenac Hilton Hotel (See for details).
Medical professionals from all disciplines are encouraged to attend. The conference is sponsored by Prevention and Healing Clinic and The Foundation for Applied Science for Alternative Medicine and The Healing Arts. It is also open to the alternative health care minded public who are actively seeking alternative medicine. They are the partners of the alternative medicine practitioners.
Why is there a need for an Alternative Complementary Medical Conference? Newtonian based western medicine has a model based on bio-chemistry and bio-mechanical medical science. Their solution to illness relies heavily on the pharmaceutical approach to control symptoms or surgical corrections like heart by-pass operations that do not address the underlying problems. Lowering one’s cholesterol level with statin drugs is not solving the underlying causes that are making one’s cholesterol level too high. A hidden dental infection might be the actual culprit of a heart problem.
Let us also not be seduced by targeted genetic modulation based on the “new and latest” advancements in genetics and molecular biology. Most of the chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many others which we are encountering are mainly based on our life styles, eating habits, and the environment in which we live. Genetics, or DNA code, plays a lot smaller role than you may be led to believe. Epigenetics, all the other factors controlling how and when each gene is expressed, which may be causative factors in many chronic illnesses, can be influenced by life styles, dietary habits, and environmental toxins and stressors.
Our health is directly related to the quality of the soil and the practice of sustainable organic farming to promote a healthy diet, not based on chemical laden Frankenstein Pharming. Our plants capture photons from the Sun for photosynthesis and convert this to edible crops. When we eat fruits, vegetables, meats, or fish, we go through a reverse engineering accomplished by mitochondria to release the bio-photons while producing the energy currency, ATPs.
Photons and Bio-photons are the basis of life, the invisible force. Immeasurable means Incurable by Western medical science. If it can’t be measured, it can’t be cured. Quantum Physics, the crown of Western science addressed the basis of energy fields at the sub-atomic levels, yet Western medicine doesn’t apply the thinking of photons and energy medicine into the biology of human energy fields.
Bio-cybernetics and energy medicine understand that “invisible energy fields” exist and can be measured based on the ancient principles of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Curing the “incurable” can become possible when we can measure the “immeasurable.”
All health professionals are encouraged to attend the conference to share and learn the latest scientific medical knowledge from leading medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors, and other health practitioners. It is time to bridge the missing links: the traditional western medical science with “Bio-cybernetics and Energy Medicine.”
More specifically, what is Bio-Cybernetics and Energy Medicine? Bio-cybernetics medicine is not a new idea but an old concept that has been given a new name. It is a hot topic in the emerging field of energy medicine in Europe.
A bio-cybernetic matrix is a modern term for the acupuncture meridians and the related medical field developed by Reinhold Voll, MD from Germany in the 1940’s and has previously been known as Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV).
In November, 2006, I attended the International Symposium of Biocybernetic Medicine in Germany. The symposium was held for the benefit of medical doctors, acupuncturists, dentists, and natural medical doctors. However, it also included engineers, physicists and mathematicians who developed instruments that detect how cells communicate with each other.
These are some of the tools and techniques that verify the strength of the energy fields in our bodies that affect, and allow us to evaluate, the internal conditions of our bodies showing the state of health. The symptoms usually don’t tell the story of the causes of illness. This knowledge is available to, but largely ignored by, western medicine.
For cellular communications, Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, Ph.D., a theoretical physicist and bio-physicist from Germany proved that cells do communicate by means of bio-photons as information carriers. A bio-photon is a photon of light that is emitted from a biological system and can be detected with a special measuring instrument (photometer).
Bio-photons trigger all biochemical reactions in living cells. All living organisms also possess complex electromagnetic fields and an invisible body. These electromagnetic fields disappear completely with death. We already have “an invisible body map of the bio-cybernetic matrix” in the acupuncture meridian system taught by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the chakra system taught in Ayurvedic medicine.
The main theme for the conference focuses on the bio-cybernetics approach that establishes a new system science of energy medicine linking the human body, mind and spirit. Dietrich Klinghart, MD. Ph.D., a prominent medical doctor from Germany in the field of Alternative Medicine, is a special guest speaker at the conference. He will cover the latest controversies including Autism, Lyme disease, and more.
This unique conference also covers mercury toxicity and oral toxicology by the world prominent, and controversial, dentist Hal Huggins, DDS. Steven Atkins, Ph.D. from New York covers the scientific basis of computerized electro-dermal screening analysis (Acupuncture Meridian Assessment). Four renowned biological dentists will speak on dental related medical problems.
Dr. Garry Gordon, DO, HMD, an innovator of chelation therapy, is revealing insights into magnetic therapy in the context of geopathic disturbance and advanced detoxification with Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise (MICE). Dr. Karim Dhanani from Canada provides the latest science on bio-photons and cellular communication. Silvia Binder, ND. Ph.D. from Austria will cover the science of Ondamed technologies and how to integrate with nutrition, homeopathy, and a cancer connection according to Dr. Hammer and Bio-Energy fields.
Some of the other fascinating speakers include: Douglas Cook, DDS, enlightening us on “Energy Medicine in Dentistry”; Jeff Marrongelle, DC, speaking on a variety of energy medicine evaluations including “Electro-Interstitial Scan for Biological Terrain Evaluation”; William Faber, DO, the author of numerous books and publications on Prolotherapy and pain management will cover a very interesting perspective on “Immediate Improvement of Pain and Disability Using Osteopathic Neural Fascial Principles.” And I (Simon Yu, MD) will speak on Accidental Cure: Think Bio-Cybernetics When the Latest Medical Therapy Fails.
Over the two and a half days of the conference, you’ll also hear Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN, discussing connections between “Nutrition and Biological Dentistry”; Robert Harris, DDS, with insights into “Ozone Therapy for More than Dentistry”; Stephen Fry, MD, with some fascinating work on “New Emerging Infectious Parasite Disease”; Tim Guilford, MD, educating us on “Glutathione: Cancer Therapy”; Chaplin Paul Johnson on Medical Spiritual Wellness; and many others.
As a bonus, in addition to all the knowledge and insights you’ll gain from the speakers, medical professionals can participate in two evenings, multiple training sessions. The evening sessions are only for licensed professionals.
See for all conference details. I hope you can join us in Saint Louis on September 13-15, 2013 and also spread this valuable information to your friends and medical professional colleagues. It may save your life or your loved one’s life. Become a partner of Alternative Medicine.
Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s revolutionary health book Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, visit his web site at or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Yu on Alternative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early.
Simon Yu, M.D.
Prevention and Healing, Inc.
10908 Schuetz Road
St. Louis, MO 63146