“End of Life”
The “End of Life” is not the end of “Love”. The end of life is the collection of all the lessons of your life, the celebration of your life’s purpose and the unique meaning of “Who You Are”!
“Your Life” and “Your Being” are a One of a Kind Definition of Love!
— Chaplain Paul R. Johnson
As a Hospice Chaplain, every patient I have will die. I remember a long time ago reading a passage in the Bible in the book of Hebrews that carried this message. “It is appointed unto man once to die and to then meet God”. I remember reflecting on that verse one day as I drove to a patient’s home. It really hit me. I and my Hospice team are participants in the appointment this person has with their Creator. We are walking with this patient on “Sacred Ground” to a “Sacred Place”. That made a huge impact on me as to the meaning and purpose of being a Hospice Chaplain. From that point on, my life changed as I experienced the amazing journey of countless people walking these final steps to their God.
There were so many things in life that I worried and struggled with. So many things I thought as a Minister I was supposed to have the answers for. So many things that I thought I was in control of. My illusions of life were met with an amazing message from scores of dying people. Some universal truths emerged that were life changing for me.
When it came time to die, it didn’t matter where you lived, who you knew, how big your house was, how much money you made, what car you drove, what religion you were. I saw over and over these four things that mattered.
Who loves me?
Who do I love?
What has my life meant?
Now What?
If you have read my articles in the past you know I define “Spirituality” as that innate part of our being that always searches for “Purpose”, “Meaning” and “Hope”. Those four questions that a dying person is asking sum it all up! Those questions are explicitly about the fulfillment of their spirituality. Death is a “Spiritual Blossoming” into the fruit and seeds of Love. Your legacy is a seed in the hearts of many.
As a Hospice Chaplain I have the privilege to help patients and families address and answer those questions in a meaningful and healing way.
If I can be of help for you please feel free to contact me. Walking the sacred ground of the end of life can be an amazing healing experience. I look forward to serving you.
Walking Sacred Ground!
Chaplain Paul
Come join us!
Spiritual Wellness Support Group
Tuesday May 21, 2013
Prevention and Healing
10908 Schuetz Road, St Louis, Mo 63146
Guest speaker: Rev Phyllis Sparks
From The Soul Esteem Center
Chaplain Paul R. Johnson, M.Div.
Director for Medical Spiritual Wellness
Prevention and Healing, Inc.
Office 314-432-7802 • Cell 314-440-1527
E-mail pjoh420@aol.com