
Healthy “Life” Resources

with Chaplain Paul

“Spiritual Maturity”

Recently someone asked me, “How do you define the meaning of the word “Spiritual”? When someone says, “I am not very religious but I am spiritual”, what do they mean?

Then they went on to ask me, “What defines “Spiritual Maturity”? Wow, two very deep questions! I would be interested in how you, the reader would answer those questions. Please e-mail me with your thoughts and ideas.

Over the past few weeks, I have asked a number of people those questions. The following is an assortment of some of their answers.


  • To be aligned with what is divine or sacred.
  • To serve a higher power.
  • To live knowing you are a Spiritual Being.
  • Intimacy with God your Creator. “Spiritual Maturity”
  • Willingness to accept personal responsibility for actions and behavior.
  • Living life on life’s terms.
  • Having core beliefs based on love, forgiveness and compassion.
  • Body, Mind and Spirit Alignment.
  • Maintain good and consistent self love and nurturance.
  • Being Authentic!
  • Meaningful and Bonded Relationships.
  • Dealing with adversity in a meaningful way.
  • Accepting the diversity of all faith traditions without being dogmatic.
  • Inner Peace and Calm.
  • Absence of unresolved emotional issues.
  • Being a mentor, a light to others, consistent, centered, and balanced and living a life style that exemplifies personal integrity.

Reflect on the above and let me know what you think.

I would like to invite you to a really wonderful opportunity to explore your spirituality, spiritual wellness and the diversity of faith traditions that are all around us. Each month, on the third Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Dr Yu and I host a “Medical Spiritual Wellness Support Group” at Prevention and Healing. The address is 10908 Schuetz Road, 63146. This program is committed to the mission of Holistic Medicine in providing education and resources for the whole person. It has become a very inspirational, diverse and meaningful time of fellowship and establishing new understanding and new friendships. Come and join us.

The March meeting is on Tuesday the 19th. We will have a guest speaker that night you won’t want to miss. Kelly O’Donnell, CHHC, MSW, from “Best Food Forward”. She is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and will give you a new and refreshing understanding of how food and nutrition play a key role in your health and well being.

I hope to see you there!
Chaplain Paul

Chaplain Paul R. Johnson, M.Div.
Director for Medical Spiritual Wellness
Prevention and Healing, Inc.
Office 314-432-7802
Cell 314-440-1527
E-mail pjoh420@aol.com