
Missouri Recycling Association Annual Conference

Recycling Comes Full Circle

Join the Missouri Recycling Associ-ation for the 15th annual MORA conference held at the Hilton Frontenac September 10–12, 2012. MORA has partnered with the Composting and Organics Association of Missouri (COAM) to offer an understanding of how recycling and composting work together to bring recycling full circle.

This intensive three day educational conference offers concurrent sessions of recycling and composting methods, social marketing, green business practices, storm debris management, construction and debris, economics of recycling, legislative topics, and more. Take a behind-the-scenes recycling tour at Busch Stadium, Botanical Gardens and the St. Louis Composting facility. Recycling On the Go – Event Greening and Alternative Uses for Compost workshops are also available.

In addition to great speakers and instructors the conference exhibit hall will host over 40 vendors including recycling, composting and solid waste experts, materials brokers, equipment manufacturers, consultants, engineering firms, recycling suppliers and other industry specific non-profits.

MORA and COAM exhibitors are available to answer questions, discuss new technologies, exchange ideas, share philosophies and introduce you to a variety of recycling and composting products and services.

Recycling comes full circle at the Missouri Recycling Association conference in partnership with COAM. Together…we can make a difference!

The MORA conference registration deadline is quickly approaching. Visit the Missouri Recycling Association website at www.mora.org for full conference details and on-line registration or call 1-866-667-2777.