by Don Fitz
Are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) being used to enable a few corporations to dominate the world’s food supply? In September, there will be events across the world regarding Monsanto’s increasing control of food and its aggressive development of GMO technology. Called “Occupy Mon-santo” globally the St. Louis portion of the events is “GMO Free Midwest.” It will be the weekend after the Pesto Feast.
Discussion at the 22nd annual Great Green Pesto Feast will focus on health and environmental dangers of GMOs, efforts to label foods that contain GMOs, and how GMOs fit into the global economy. The Pesto Feast will begin at 6:00 pm, Sunday, September 9, 2012 at Black Bear Bakery, 2639 Cherokee (in the Historic Vandora Theater Bldg) 63118. Speakers will include Barbara Chicherio, Daniel Romano and me.
Since 1990, Pesto Feasts of the Gateway Green Alliance have become well known for the wide variety of vegetarian food, including: Great Green Walnut Pesto, Sharp Lemon Pesto, Cinnamon Pesto, Vegan Pesto, No Nut Pesto and Tomato Pesto. Tomato sauce will abound for non-pesto eaters.
The Greens are seeking additional vegetarian donations. Tickets to the Pesto Feast are $20 at the door or $15 advance purchase. To make a donation, purchase an advance ticket, or get more information, call 314-727-8554. Also, see the Greens’ web site: To sign up for GMO Free Midwest, visit
Barbara Chicherio and Daniel Romano will be discussing the Pesto Feast and outlining GMO Free Midwest on Green Time TV on September 1 and 3. The show includes footage of past safe food actions in St. Louis as well as panels and activities planned for the conference.
Green Time airs on KNLC stations in four Missouri areas. See links on Facebook and In the St. Louis area it appears at noon on Saturdays on Channel 24-1 and at 8 pm on Mondays on Channel 24-2. All September shows cover GMO issues:
- September 8 & 10: Jeffrey Smith talks on “Genetically Modified Foods.” Daniel Romano asks “Who’s Giving Your Kids Food that Rats Won’t Eat?”
- September 15 & 17: James Meinert and Paul Krautmann discuss how cultivated plants interact with their living and non-living surroundings.
- September 22 & 24: Claudia Henriquez and Daniel Romano cover the goods and the bads of genetically engineered trees.
- September 29 & October 1: Marti Crouch lecture on “Beyond Terminator Technology” addresses differences between traditional crops, hybridization and genetic engineering.