
Insulin Therapy for other than Diabetes: Insulin Potentiation Therapy

by Simon Yu, MD

Insulin has been known to the medical community and the public primarily for the management of diabetes. However, is there any indication of insulin therapy for other than diabetes? I heard a lecture over ten years ago on Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). I had forgotten about the lecture. I thought it was an interesting concept but I was too busy studying Energy Medicine. I didn’t recognize the full potential until I attended the IPT conference in Dallas, April, 2012.

Insulin was first discovered by a Canadian medical doctor, Dr. Frederick Banton, and a medical student, Charles Best, in 1921. Before insulin was available, diabetes mellitus was a rare but deadly disease. Dr. Banton won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1923 with his professor John Macleod at the University of Toronto for their achievement for discovering insulin. Charles Best, the medical student, was not recognized for his work.

Soon after the discovery of insulin, Eli Lilly started large scale production of the insulin extract. Since then, insulin therapy has been a main therapeutic agent for insulin dependent diabetes and also Type II diabetes. Although insulin doesn’t cure diabetes, it has saved countless lives of diabetic patients. It is considered one of the most significant discoveries and successes of modern medicine.

Insulin has been tried for other medical conditions without much success in America. Insulin Shock Therapy was tried by psychiatrists for severe depression without significant advancement. This technique lost interest with advancement in psychiatric medications. Most people only know that insulin is for diabetes. Its use for other medical conditions has been mostly ignored.

In 1932, in Mexico, Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT), a new simple game-changer in medicine was conceived by a Mexican military surgeon, Donato Perez Garcia, Sr., MD. There were many documented cases of recoveries from asthma, psoriasis, migraines, vascular headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, intoxications, slipped disc, hemiplegia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, allergies, circulation problems and even cancers.

So, what is IPT? Why was this therapy ignored for 80 years? Maybe because it seems too simple and hard to believe for all its claims. I even had a hard time believing in IPT when I heard about it for the first time around 2002. Dr. Donato Garcia’s first use of IPT was in the successful treatment of tertiary neurosyphilis.

In 1944, Time Magazine covered the story of Dr. Garcia’s IPT. They called his therapy Insulin Shock Treatment. Despite the coverage by the main media, his idea was never accepted in the United States because IPT was too simple of an idea. It was hard to believe it cured all sorts of chronic disease. Also there was a bias and prejudice against the Mexican medical profession combined with the influence of pharmaceutical companies that didn’t want such a simple cure.

IPT is truly a simple therapy. Give regular insulin (calculated based on body weight) intravenously to bring sugar levels into the range of 30-40s and/or when the patient is having hypoglycemic symptoms with sweating, increase in pulse, some sense of dizziness or weakness, then infused dextrose to reverse the hypoglycemia. That is it. During the episode of hypoglycemia, the physician can infuse small amounts of specific medications for that particular medical condition. The dose of the medication can be reduced to 10 % of the regular medications. It is still as highly effective as the standard dose of medications with minimum side effects.

Dr. Donato Garcia has been treating every known chronic disease with IPT and eventually started treating cancer. Cancer cells have a unique characteristic cell membrane. It has six times more insulin receptors and ten times more IGF (Insulin Growth Factor) receptors per cell than normal host cell membranes. As a result of these increased receptors, cancer cells devour glucose better than normal cells.

IPT utilizes insulin to deliberately induce a hypoglycemic state to starve the cancer cells. However, during the state of hypoglycemia, the starving cancer cells are given low dose chemo agents or natural anti-cancer substances immediately followed by dextrose sugar. The low dose chemo agents are therefore devoured by and readily absorbed into the cancer cells.

Cancer cells are absorbing the sugar-chemo agent solution before it gets to normal cells. Therefore, normal cells are minimally affected by low dose chemo therapy. This is equivalent to a Trojan Horse (IPT) and brings the soldiers (remedies) to only the enemy’s well protected cancer cells.

There are small groups of American medical doctors practicing IPT. They are trying to promote IPT as a safer and cheaper alternative to high dose chemo therapy and to train other doctors. I completed four days of training in IPT. The most exciting part of IPT is that it does not have to use low dose chemo to be effective. Dr. Donato Garcia successfully treated cancer without using any medications. Also, natural substances can be used without using chemo agents.

It is time to honestly re-assess the “War on Cancer” and look for alternative options. For more information, contact IOICP (International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians) or Google search for insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) or Best Answer for Cancer Foundation. Cancer Control Society is another organization promoting safer alternative cancer therapies for medical professionals and the public.

Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s revolutionary health book Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, visit his web site at www.PreventionAndHealing.com or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion by Dr. Yu on Alternative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early.