
Kirkwood Living Green Presents: 3rd Annual “Earth Day at the Market”

Saturday, April 21st,


Kirkwood Farmers’ Market

By Walter Smith,

Chair of Kirkwood Living Green

This year’s theme focuses on Urban Agriculture, Community Gardens, Growing Local, and Sustainability.

Exhibits and experts will offer everything you need to know to create a natural, organic, productive, and easy-to-maintain yard.

Get information on rain gardens, raised gardens, native plants, chickens, composting, and planting the right tree in the right place.

Learn from the experts, such as Joyce Stinger, beekeeper extraordinaire, and Ronnie Jones, one of the most knowledgeable organic gardeners we know.

Discover how easy it is to install a rain barrel. Attract butterflies and birds to your garden to create a natural wonderland.

Shop for eco-friendly products at the event, and sign up for the upcoming sustainable backyard tour.

See the latest in eco-friendly compostable containers, plates, and more. All made from plants, not petroleum. Let’s all say NO to Styrofoam toxic waste!

For more event information, visit www.KirkwoodLivingGreen.org or contact Walter Smith at KLGreen123@msn.com.