
GREEN TIME TV Health Care in Cuba: Lower Cost and Environmental Impact

By Don Fitz

Can poor countries get quality health care without the expense and environmental damage of a US health care model?  It is impossible for them to afford the massive buildings and parking lots that characterize US insurance companies and sickness institutions.  But Cuba, has a life expectancy equal to the US at a fraction of the cost.

Green Time TV shows during April explore the health care model developed in Cuba and how it is spreading to South America and Africa. • Saturday, April 7 & Monday, April 9: “Global Health Care: Cuba;”

• Saturday, April 14 & Monday, April 16: “Global Health Care: Venezuela”

• Saturday, April 21 & Monday, April 23: “Global Health Care: Gambia;”

• Saturday, April 28 & Monday, April 30: “Oil Spills & the Plunder of Africa.”

If you would like to help produce Green Time TV call 314-727-8554 or email fitzdon@aol.com.