
Anything Is Possible

Manifestation Maven

Kimberly V. Schneider,

M.Ed., J.D., LPC

When our daughter Bridget was small I couldn’t bear to buy her clothes for the next season in case she wasn’t alive to wear them. Bridget had a congenital heart defect, and for the first few years her hold on life seemed fragile. But an encounter I had when she was four years old gave me the courage to start imagining possibilities instead of living in fear of “the inevitable.”

I was walking Bridget around our neighborhood in her stroller that morning (she did not begin to walk until the age of five). As I put one foot in front of the other, tears were streaming down my face because we were facing a bleak prognosis. Bridget had already undergone three open heart surgeries. Her case was far from textbook, and the doctors were at a loss to explain why she was experiencing a recurrent, apparently intractible and dangerous condition called subaortic stenosis. Multiple surgeries had not corrected the problem. Options were few.

I’d been listening to Deepak Chopra’s audio book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire. One idea he mentioned in the audio was that our cells are dying and new cells are born each moment, so that every seven years or so we have completely new bodies. Because of this, Chopra posited, anything was possible, even at the physical level.

I couldn’t help wondering whether we could call upon Bridget’s healthy heart cells to teach her poorly-functioning cells how to support her physically being more efficiently. I pondered this idea, walking, crying and whispering to myself, step after step, “Anything is possible. Anything is possible. Anything is possible.”

As I turned the corner I spotted one of our neighbors working in her yard. I knew Edna by name and saw her often, but I had never stopped to speak with her. For some reason, on that day she waved me over.

“How is she doing?”

Edna gestured at Bridget and smiled at her. Apparently she’d heard about Bridget from others in the neighborhood. “Well,” I said, “She’s doing all right. The doctors are giving us some challenging information and we’re considering what to do with it.”

“Oh,” Edna said, “Don’t listen to the doctors. Did I ever tell you I had a sister who was born with a lot of problems? The doctors said she wouldn’t live more than a few weeks. She’s in her sixties now. Anything is possible.”

I can’t remember how I responded to Edna or whether I managed to say anything at all. I may have been too dumbfounded to speak. Did she really just say back to me the words I had been consoling myself with a couple of minutes before?

That encounter enabled me to move forward no longer believing, but knowing, that anything is possible. Since then, I’ve experienced those types of synchronicities with increasing frequency, as I have begun to harness the power of conscious manifestation.

And so can you.

Because you are an agent of manifestation.

Excerpt from the book Everything You Need Is Right Here: Five Steps to Manifesting Magic and Miracles by Kimberly V. Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC, available from Avalon Emerging Press at Amazon.com.  Request Kimberly’s free Conscious Manifestation eCourse at www.KimberlySchneider.com and you’ll also receive the Introduction and first chapter of her book!