
Operation Food Search Benefits from Whole Foods Market® “Bag” Hunger Campaign

Local Stores Donate $7378 to Help Feed those in Need

Operation Food Search is slated to receive a gift of $7378 from Whole Foods Market’s Bag Hunger 2012 campaign. All of the funds will support Food Gatherers in their mission to alleviate hunger in our community. The Bag Hunger campaign gives Whole Foods Market (WFM) customers and team members an opportunity to donate at the cash register and help those in need.  “This is the second year we’ve offered the program and we are thrilled to work with Operation Food Search again,” says Nichole Carpenter, Community Relations Specialist for WFM.

For more information about Operation Food Search, visit www.operationfoodsearch.org/. For information about WFM’s philanthropic programs, visit www.wholefoods.com.